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Caption Competition

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1 Mar 2022

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Name Caption
Bird of Prey Jadzia: "Data's cat is named Spot, there're lots of dogs named Spot... Does nobody realize that we Trill find that kinda offensive!?"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Dax: “You know how to whistle don't you, Worf? You just put your lips together and blow.”
Miss Marple Disclaimer:
Don’t take offense by Frankie Chestnuts’s reference to Irish heritage. He’s just boasting about Irish heritage, and often exaggerates his own.
Cyrus Ramsay Terry Farrell, just before realising that dead characters don't get spin-off series.
Chromedome "Yeah, so my agent has got me this great role in a show with Ted Danson! He says it'll give my career a real boost."
Frankie Chestnuts Dax: “YES!! WHO’S a good changeling? WHO IS??? WHO’S the best little Founder??? YOU are! YES, YOU ARE! Coochie, coochie coo!!!”
Odo: “Please stop.”
Frankie Chestnuts A Deep Space Nine State of Mind (The Symbiont Hip Hop)
by "Jadza Jadza D"
"Yeah, yeah
Ayo, Odo, it's time.
It's time, Odo (aight, Odo, begin).
Straight out the Worm Hole of rap.
The $hit drops deep as does my Station.
I never Sleep, 'cause to Sleep is the Prophet of innovation.
Beyond the walls of Founders, life is defined.
I think of Oomax when I'm in a Deep Space Nine state of mind."
Miss Marple Dax’s stunned look when she finds out that “the mile high club” requires more than one participant.
No, Jadzia, the symbiont doesn’t count.
Miss Marple Dax’s stunned look when she finds out that hosting a symbiont doesn’t make a relationship a ménage a trois.
Turns out she was not as adventurous as she had previously believed.
Chromedome "Never mind how or why, just get me a big can of WD40 ... and hurry!"
Miss Marple Julian, off screen: You don’t have a bite my head off!
Dax: I was just trying to prepare you… Trill symbionts mate like Praying mantises… You wouldn’t want any nasty surprises, would you?
Miss Marple This is Dax’s “don’t bother me while I’m watching curling” face.
Miss Marple You are entitled to your opinions. Just don’t mask debate in front of me.
Miss Marple Dax: … I just don’t want to hear it.
Every one:?????
Dax: I was talking about mask debating, you wankers.
Frankie Chestnuts Jadzia SCREAMING at the television during Olympic Curling: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? Sweden has got TWO STONES in the house and they've GOT THE HAMMER!!”
Miss Marple Second in the series “Avoiding Pitfalls in Marriage, Pandemic Edition”:
If your beloved says she is considering CHANGING her hairstyle, and asks you for your opinion, remember that if she DOESN’T change it, she will continue to wear it in the same style as she has for years.
Never say: “No one will recognize you, you are wearing a mask.”
Miss Marple First in the series “Avoiding Pitfalls in Marriage, Pandemic Edition”:
If your beloved says she is considering CHANGING her hairstyle, and asks you for your opinion, remember that if she DOESN’T change it, she will continue to wear it in the same style as she has for years.
Never say: “It doesn’t matter. We never see anybody anyway.”
Frankie Chestnuts Third in the series “Avoiding Pitfalls in Marriage, Pandemic Edition”:
If your beloved says she is considering CHANGING her hairstyle, be careful… It’s a trap!
The Geek Dax: "It's not just lethal. It's vicious. It tears a body apart, inside out - and very slowly too, by your phaser standards. It's tortuous. A very, very painful death. I've always wanted to try this!"
Quark: "On second thought, perhaps I don't want to try this new Oo-Mox technique of yours..."
Bird of Prey I've heard people call me a lot of names because of my spots: "Leopard", "Giraffe"... But "Overripe Banana", that really takes the cake!
Frankie Chestnuts Dax: "WHAT??? No Olympic Curling? NO CURLING??? WHAT THE HELL am I going do watch?? ESPN 8: The Ocho? CurlingTV??? Northern Wisconsin Local Access Cable???"
Miss Marple Since Dax has been both male and female, there’s no controversy in both men and women having a crush on her.
Chromedome Things They Never Said #57:
"Oooo, Wesley Crusher, he's HOT!"
Chromedome "No, I don't have a symbiont. This is just a self tan that went wrong."

Entries : 101People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 8,566 Last updated : 1 Mar 2022