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Caption Competition

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18 Jul 2005

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Name Caption
Brian Phillips THERE ARE "FOUR" BREASTS!!!

Special Mention

Name Caption
DavidJROTC Lwaxana: "Oh, Jean Luc... Is that a hypospray in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
Picard: "Hypospray."
Nom Anor Gone with the Wind -- The Next Generation.
Scott Bates Picard: "The hookers here are considerably more... er... 'mature' than usual."
Scott Bates Eager to advance his acting career in American TV, Patrick Stewart wasn't above flirting with producers' wives.
James Picard: "Well hello...oh crap, you're the boss' wife!"
James Lwaxana: "Come on, Jean-Luc...why don't you and I go back to your ready room and you show me the Picard Maneuver."
Saga Lwaxana: I'm waiting for you to say those three litle words, Jean-Luc
Picard:Okay...LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
BikerWolf Picard (thinking): "Archer got three women with green skin, Kirk got a woman with green hair, and I get a woman wearing a green plastic shopping bag."
Child of Wonder Jean Luc! Is that a phaser in your pocket or... you know, that's too cliche. Are you popping a stiffy?
Blurb23 Picard: "Q! I get your point! You can stop the computer from being 'sassy' now!
Nick C. "The line must be drawn HERE! This far, no farther!"
drow Lwaxana: "Cleopatra, her warm bed."
Picard: "Austin Powers, his mojo gone."
drow Lwaxana: "Cheeky direct appeal to Graham Kennedy."
Picard: "Snarky pop-culture reference!"
Lwaxana: "Mis-spelled barely relevant punchline!"
Aeon Pircard to Troi "How about Hawaii?"
Troi "Which Island?"
Pircard "Comeona'wanna'laya"
Gruemaster Picard: Luxwana! You're boldly going where I REALLY don't want you to go.
Silent Bob Troi: "Look into my eyes, deep into my eyes, you are feeling..."
Picard: "Sick?"
Troi: "...sleepy"

Entries : 372People : 127

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,225 Last updated : 18 Jul 2005