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Caption Competition

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2 Jan 2021

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Captain 8472 Watching all the news news about the USA’s 2020 election.

Special Mention

Name Caption
MR. WORF Icheb : What do you mean in the future Seven Of Nine kills me ??????
Chromedome Having successfully infected the Borg, Icheb was now having a go at giving humans Coronavirus.
Captain 8472 Even in the future, cat videos distract people at work.
Bird of Prey Star Trek: The Next Next Generation
McFortner Captain, we'd have been home twenty five years ago if you'd only stop and ask for directions.
Frankie Chestnuts Not sure about you guys... But I'm oddly drawn toward googling Morse Code. I really think these are hostages and they are trying to get us a message...
Chromedome "You mean ... Trump LIED to us????"
N'tran DS 12 There are four dots.
Obama3rdterm December 22 and Trump STILL hasn't conceded??
Frankie Chestnuts Transporters accidents during the Voyager Christmas Party are the 24th century equivalent to the ol’ “photocopy your ass on the Xerox machine”.

Entries : 102People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,126 Last updated : 2 Jan 2021