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Caption Competition

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1 Feb 2020

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Name Caption
The Geek Lursa: "Are you staring at our backsides, you p'taQ?"
Jake: "Yes... yes I am."
B'tor: "...Good."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Chromedome The Nineteen Eighties called, they want their shoulder pads & chunky knit jumpers back!
AdmiralM "Some women will break your heart Klingon women will rip it out and make sandwiches."
Bird of Prey This year Starfleet Academy issued a short educational movie that warns about the dangers of catcalling Klingon females...
The Geek Sisko finds out Jake has been borrowing Worf's 'Calisthenics' program.
Miss Marple Lursa: Actually it's pronounced "Duras" with the emphasis on the SECOND syllable.
B'Etor: Yes, the emphasis is on the ASS.
Frankie Chestnuts Excellent!
Next we have Lursa sporting a very versatile deep teal brocade jaquette in sark wool, complemented with a functional grey minn’hor leather jumper. And she is followed by B’Etor, who’s wearing... um... pretty well the same thing... Thank you ladies.
Frankie Chestnuts Zoolander had his “Blue Steel” look.
B’Etor has “Crimson Brass”.
Lursa just kind of looks pissed off.
Bird of Prey Usually I like women paying attention to me, but...
Chromedome "Ve go ... but ve kom back!"
Frankie Chestnuts Lursa and B’Etor. Their names roughly translate to “solemnly” and “decorum”.
Horta not Vorta Klingon Females and Urinals?
Bird of Prey Duras Sister Act
Miss Marple Betty White is quoted as saying:
"Why do people say "grow some balls"?.
Balls are weak and sensitive.
If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina.
Those things can take a pounding"
But she was just paraphrasing an old Klingon saying.
Bird of Prey I like big head ridges and I cannot lie...
Chromedome "We're looking for new outfits. Something less sexy."
woodside Garak, next time a Klingon woman asks "do my ridges look big in this?", you say Yes!
PegasusJF Suspicion personified.
Guybrush The looks JJ Abrams gets when entering a Star Trek convention.
Horta not Vorta Sisters Lursa and B'Tor
Ordering from a Cardassian Taylor
If these new costumes
Pinch our BeZooms
We'll return to even the Score.
Bird of Prey Uh oh... Those two spotted us... Don't make any sudden movements...
Frankie Chestnuts Garak: "I'll have these outfits dyed in no time...
It IS a good day to dye... You know... Dye...
You know... D-Y-E, not D-I-E."
B'Etor: "You are correct, may be a good day to die..."
Garak: "Got it."
Chromedome "What do you mean? You don't stock chainmail bikinis?"
Bird of Prey Quite inexplicably "Qo'noS' Next Top Model" has been one of the most successful shows in recent years...

Entries : 75People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,196 Last updated : 1 Feb 2020