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Caption Competition

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3 Jul 2005

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Name Caption
Auston "Where's a bamboo canon when I need one?"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Dante You see what happens when you try to teach a human to dance?
Brian Phillips Gorn female to human: "You beast!" *smack*
Lobster After watching "Crocodile Dundee" at the movie night, Archer was inspired to try it out himself...
Lobster Archer: "Aren´t you supposed to have bug eyes??"
Gorn: "Don´t distract me with continuity errors!"
Lobster Archer: "I have absolutely no clue who might be the owner of this yellow shirt I´ve found in the Captain´s quarters - but after putting it on, I had the strange urge to battle a Gorn!!"
Admiral Ed Mirror Barney: "I hate you, you hate me..."
Griddles Archer: I told ya, Trip, standing too close to that warp reactor is bad for your health!
Federation "Interspecies romance is not without its dangers."
drow Voice: "One million quatloos on the yellowshirt!"
Joe G And I thought Worf and Jadzia were rough
Kevin P. Mistaking standard Gorn diplomatic protocol, Archer offends the Ambassador by making a premature move for "second base", dooming the quadrant to generations of bloody war.
Drake I liked it better when all they did was hiss and throw foam rubber rocks at people.
DanielB Archer with Aussie Accent:
"Isn't he beauuutiful? I just love Gorn! Some people say they're evil or dangerous, but I love em, I think they've got hears and souls and feelings too, just like us. ...Which I will now prove by royally pissing it off, brutally subduing it, and violently removing it from its habitat. Crikey, mate!"
Researcher Quick! Everyone be still, it's vision is based on movement!
Silent Bob Manny Coto held Enterprise's fate
Once Berman had made the fans all irate,
He took many steps, to improve all the eps,
But the Gorn was too little, too late!
JamesM "you had me at hello"
=NoPoet= Their passionate embrace is broken when Archer sneezes in his Gorn lover's face.
Bill L. Archer's offhand remark that he needed to "drain the lizard" leads to a horrible misunderstanding.
Mikey Unfamiliar with Gorn customs and rituals, Archer only realized what he was in for when the Gorn remotely activated his "Best of Barry White" album.

Entries : 504People : 183

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,561 Last updated : 3 Jul 2005