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Caption Competition

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1 Nov 2019

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Bird of Prey Trip: "Will this be one of those massages with a 'happy ending'?"
T'Pol: "It will be one with a logical ending."

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek T'Pol: "The Geek is back on".
Trip: "Yeah, and it looks like he wants to catch up to Frankie Chestnuts."
T'Pol: "The Geek will fail. He stayed away for too long. Besides, Frankie is the superior captioneer."
Trip: "Oh, I don't know. I think The Geek"... (feels hand moving in for the Vulcan neck pinch)... I MEAN, YES, YOU'RE RIGHT, OF COURSE! Frankie will always be ahead of The Geek!"
MLCoolJ T'Pol: Now tell me...where is your secret stash of Georgia peaches?
Trip: I'll never tell you anyth--(T'Pol squeezes him) OKAY, OKAY! They're under the large sink in the galley! Hidden beneath a false floorboard!
T'Pol: That wasn't so hard, was it?
Frankie Chestnuts Trip: "WHOA... Look at that. Frankie Chestnuts finally won another Caption Competition after a TWO YEAR cold streak!"
T'Pol: "Yes it's very interesting. However, keep in mind that I am in my silk jammies and I'm giving you a very erotic massage."
Trip: "Yea, sure... But it's FRANKIE CHESTNUTS!"
Optimuskr Vulcans prefer life size vanquilitrist dummies.
Cyrus Ramsay T'Pol: "How useful; an 'off' switch."
Chromedome Him: (thinking) Oh yes. Oh yes. I am SOOOO glad that my agent got me this job!
Her: (thinking) Soon as I'm off this scene I'm firing my agent!
MR. WORF T'Pol pushed the on switch on her Android of Tucker. It's ALIVE !!!
Bird of Prey Trip: "No wonder you have your pon farr only every seven years. That was... very exhausting!"
AdmiralM Who said Vulcans rub everyone the wrong way.
Chromedome "T'Pol. What is it about Vulcan girls?"
"In what sense?"
"Orion girls say 'Ooooooooooh'"
"Bajoran girls say 'Aaaahhhhhh'"
"Vulcan girls say 'The ceiling needs painting'"
"That is illogical"
"Vulcan girls would calculate the mean time to failure of the surface coating and arrange for maintenance before the problem became visible to the eye"
"Remind me what it is I see in you"
Frankie Chestnuts Trip: "Noooo-body knows the trouble I've seen..."
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: "So, do ALL humans have extensive bacne?
Trip: "Sure... everyone. No need to check. But yes, EVERYONE has it... Bacne... Everyone has bacne."
Miss Marple Dating etiquette at Work Policy:
Example #3:
Keep your shirt on, Bucko !
Miss Marple Dating Etiquette at Work Policy:
Example #1:
When in doubt, ask.

Entries : 74People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,615 Last updated : 1 Nov 2019