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Caption Competition

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1 Aug 2019

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Name Caption
The Geek Data makes the switch to Android.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Data: “Where have I seen this guy before...?”
Frankie Chestnuts This explains why Data’s hair is ALWAYS perfect... it’s a wig!
The Geek Data contemplates the meaning behind the axiom, "Two heads are better than one".
MLCoolJ Data is beside himself.
Frankie Chestnuts Geordi: "DATA... Come on... We're late."
Data: "I will be right there. I am spending a few more minutes alone with myself."
Katapult Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow
of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how
abhorred in my imagination it is!
Chromedome "Damn you, Patrick Stewart. I can be a Shakespearean actor too. Luvvy."
Chromedome Data liked to keep a backup of himself
Chromedome Madame Tussauds ... IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
Bird of Prey Data: "B-4 or not B-4. That is the question."
Optimuskr Let me see. (takes the skull) Alas, poor Lore! I knew him, Commander, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!
MR. WORF Data : Are you talking to me ? I'm the only one here. Are you talking to ME ?!
Chromedome "It doesn't look like the photo on eBay."
MR. WORF Mr. Lore , Mad Robot , left in many pieces .... DEAD !!?
We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better, than he was. Better, Stronger, Faster.
Bird of Prey Data: "Those holographic 3D mirrors are just weird..."
The Geek Do androids dream of electric sheep?
Startrekanmore I think I'm a clone now. There's always two of me just ahangin' around
Captain 8472 Yar said she wanted a doubleheader.
Bird of Prey Data: "The really disturbing issue is that I found this in Lt. Yar's quarters..."
Bodhi Alas poor Y-0R1CK...
PegasusJF The android that computed the answer to "Life, Universe, Everything!" beholds the android who will compute the question.
EMH_MkI Geordi: I don't think 'Personal Data Assistant' means what you think it means.
jg Data: I am one handsome fellow
Frankie Chestnuts ...and the winner of the Data Look-Alike Contest is...

Entries : 101People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,149 Last updated : 1 Aug 2019