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Caption Competition

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1 Jul 2019

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Name Caption
Chromedome "Why do I get the pointy ears and Riker gets the nice blue dress & earring? Uhura, open a hailing frequency to my agent!"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Cyrus Ramsay "How do I know that you're not all Romulans disguised as humans?"
Frankie Chestnuts Shatner: “Why yes. I DID have my makeup done in Nemoy’s dressing room... Why do you ask?”
Chromedome Looks like Nimoy has been playing with the permanent marker pen while Shatner had a nap.
Chromedome "Right, when I say 'Engage', you lot spin this chair as fast as possible!"
Chromedome Kirk exhibited the first signs of Pinocchio Syndrome. As he told stories about his ability to attract women, his ears grew.
Frankie Chestnuts Kirk: “So... I drank a little too much last night... Passed out on my bunk... Woke up... And came straight to the bridge. Why do you ask?”
Sulu (whispers): “Pssst... Ohura... Did you see the sign on his back? He-He... ‘KICK ME!’ He-He.”
Bird of Prey Chekov: "Kaptin, Starfleet Intelligence just told us that they suspect that one member of the Enterprise bridge crew has been replaced by a Romulan spy!"
"Kirk": "What? Nonsense! They are just overly paranoid!"
MR. WORF This was the moment the cast realized that Shatner had a toupee .
Guybrush Kirk and Chekov remained blissfully unaware of the truly horrible spider now making it's way up the Captain's neck.
Bird of Prey Kirk: "Do you think Vulcan chicks will find me attractive now?"
Chekov: "You realize that they are only mating once every seven years, right?"
Optimuskr Sir, I think the transporter is acting up again.
Optimuskr Kirk: "The fans love Vulcan's, the network might make us all Vulcans."
Bird of Prey "Kirk": But... how did you figure out that I am actually a Romulan spy?"
Chekov: "Vell, for starters, the real Kaptin Kirk would newer greet us with the vords 'hello fellov pathetic humans'."
Miss Marple ♫ One of these things is not like the others...♫
The crew REALLY HATED it when Kirk started to sing.
Miss Marple ♫ One of these things is not like the others...♫

Entries : 72People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,269 Last updated : 1 Jul 2019