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Caption Competition

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1 Apr 2019

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Name Caption
Chromedome "Admit it, the scriptwriters and the costume department have got it in for you haven't they?"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Riker: "Integral to the character, my ass."
Frankie Chestnuts Star Trek: The Fabulous Generation
Frankie Chestnuts Riker: "I don't get it ladies... how DO you make this work?"
Bird of Prey Tasha: "You went to a diplomatic reception in this outfit!?"
Riker: "Sure! The Gorn ambassador kept mumbling 'filthy mammal hair' under his breath, but other than that, nobody complained."
Bird of Prey Tasha: "Hmmm, I like what I see..."
Riker: "Thank you Lt. Yar..."
Deanna (thinking): "That's it, I'll have to get rid of her! I think I'll fake a shuttle crash, then arrange for an 'accident' to happen to her during the rescue mission. Luckily, I know someone on Vagra II who is just the right man... thing for this job..."
Lt Hey Tasha Sorry Commander but those shoes don't match that top
Troi snickers
Bird of Prey Riker: "This is my Halloween costume. I am a character from Disney's Aladdin."
Tasha: "Which one?"
Riker: "Carpet."
MR. WORF Tasha : Commander ! You may want to rethink wearing a Mini Skirt without underwear !!!!
Bird of Prey Riker: "...and just wait 'til you see the new uniform for the female crew members! The miniskirts of ye olde days are outright prudish in comparison!"
Bird of Prey Riker: "No, Tasha! The belt stays on!"
Bird of Prey boldly go where no cleavage has gone before!
Chromedome Absolutely Fabulous ... IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
Chromedome "Lost In Space" had low production values, but even they didn't stoop to this.
Chromedome Riker: "Breath one word of this and you'll have an appointment with Mr. Airlock. Clear."
Frankie Chestnuts Riker [to self]: "As God is my witness, I'll NEVER give them crap about the outfits they're forced to wear."
Frankie Chestnuts Riker: "Does this tunic make my chest look big?"
Tasha: "Yea... I guess it does."
Riker: "Good."
Frankie Chestnuts Q: ♫ One of these things is not like the other... ♫
a) Riker, for obvious reasons.
b) Yar, because she is the only one without an asymmetric neckline.
c) Troy, because she is the only one who thinks Riker looks good. (sad)
Miss Marple Every so often Riker would "go off his meds”, requiring the assistance of full-time therapist, and some kick ass security.
mckinneyc Riker - "I feel fabulous!"
The Geek Riker: "You mean to tell me I'm in ANOTHER caption competition? And I'm wearing this?"
Yar: "That's right! And you'll be in another, and another, until you learn!"
Bird of Prey Riker: "Before anyone asks: No, none of my ancestors were tribbles."
Cyrus Ramsay Star Trek: the Transgenderation
Chromedome "If you think this is bad, you should see what Wesley is wearing."
Chromedome Riker: "Well, Wesley likes it!"

Entries : 93People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 17,782 Last updated : 1 Apr 2019