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Caption Competition

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1 Sep 2016

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Name Caption
AJ Fifty shades of blue.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Choker: "Hold still... HOLD STILL... That's better. Now, take a close look and you can see the Prime Meridian. It goes directly through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich... and this poor girl's nose."
DBB "Stop choking her! She's turning bl- Well... Bluer maybe? Either way, just stop."
N'tran DS 12 This is your big break into Star Trek...
Remember your lines, hit your marks,
and Don't Choke.
Miss Marple Trump turns the country “blue” by choking and gagging voters... one... at... a... time…
Frankie Chestnuts Cadet Haro: "Snowball...SNOWBALL!! FLUFFY! WHISKERS! MITTENS!"
To Self: "Damn.. What the hell's my safeword??"
Frankie Chestnuts In an attempt to control their candidate, Donald Trump's staff "brief" him before a press conference.
It didn't work.
Bird of Prey Trek writer # 1: ''Here is my draft for an episode wherein a Bolian gets murdered. It then plays out like a detective story.''
Trek writer # 2: ''Cool. Any idea for the episode's title?''
Trek writer # 1: ''Blue's Clues!''
Frankie Chestnuts
"Am I blue, am I blue,
Ain't these tears in my eyes telling you,
Am I blue, you'd be too,
If each plan with your man done fell through."
Frankie Chestnuts Extreme Method Acting... IN SPAAAAAAAAAAACE!!
Miss Marple Extreme vetting…like how they used to "vet" for witches
N'tran DS 12 We come in peace....Choke to kill.
jg Since humans turn blue when choked, do Bolians turn pink?
AJ NO! You do NOT have the right to sing the blues!
Bird of Prey The chain of command is not very comfortable around the neck, so Starfleet makes sure that their officers get used to that feeling as early as possible.
Chromedome Cut here ...
Bird of Prey Screen shot from the epidote "Tribbles and Strangulations".
Jonesy 50 Shades of Trek
Bird of Prey ...and now press the two halves of her body together, until the glue has dried.
Bird of Prey To explore and strangle new worlds, to choke the life out off new civilizations...

Entries : 64People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 20,163 Last updated : 1 Sep 2016