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Caption Competition

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1 Sep 2015

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Bird of Prey Trip: ''You were complaining that the artificial gravity on this ship is too low, so I have adjusted it. Is it more to your liking now?''
Reed: *can barely breathe*

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Star Trek Quiz: What's the typical reaction when someone sees Phlox naked?
Frankie Chestnuts Star Trek Quiz: What's the typical reaction when someone sees Phlox cutting his toenails?
Frankie Chestnuts Star Trek Quiz: What's the typical reaction when Mayweather gets more than three lines in an episode?
Frankie Chestnuts Star Trek Quiz: What's the typical reaction when someone first watches "The Final Frontier"?
MLCoolJ Darth Vader: You have failed me for the last time!
Guybrush "Our ratings are down here somewhere!"
PegasusJF Phlox: Ah, there you are Lieutenant, don't worry, the paralysis and mind blowing pain you feel is simply the Denobulan Soul Crusher parasite doing its work. You'll be right as rain in about a month.
Miss Marple Bitch slapped... IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
The Geek Reed (thinking): "Why do I even keep the phase pistol next to my shaver?!?"
N'tran DS 12 "Petrificus Totalus."
AJ "What happened to him?"
"Oh, nothing, it's just that Mayweather had more than one line in this episode."
Frankie chestnuts Reed, always the scholar, demonstrates primitive sign language. Here he shows the sign for "constipation".
N'tran DS 12 Officer down.
AJ Apology accepted, mr Reed.
Frankie Chestnuts An aficionado of mid-twentieth century New Wave Music, Malcolm would entertain the bridge crew with his "Rock Lobster" dance.
Horta not Vorta Ride Him Ho shi!
Miss Marple "Fainting Goat-boy" -the nickname he was never able to shake off.
Of course, "Trip" was really no prize either.
EMH_MkI Malcolm (thinking): Note to self: No more pressure point sessions with Trip.
The Geek Poor bastard. If had read the appropriate entry in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, he would have known better than to chug a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
AJ As the series prgressed, Reed's attempts to work the stick out of his ass became more and more desperate.
Frankie Chestnuts The results of an encounter with an anti-social clown and a 220V joy buzzer.
Mr. Worf I think the gravity needs some adjustment .
Tobias You went full Shatner, man. Never go full Shatner.

Entries : 122People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 20,684 Last updated : 1 Sep 2015