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Caption Competition

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1 Jun 2015

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Miss Marple Vashie and Jean-y were lovers♩....
♫ Oh, Lordy, how they could love♩...

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Where will YOU be when your twenty condoms of China White Heroin burst?
Frankie Chestnuts Best start of a vacation on Risa... EVER!
NASCARtographer "Do I smell Bergamot?"
Frankie Chestnuts Vash, to self: "WHAT was my Safe Word again?"
MLCoolJ Vash: Oh, you're so
Vash's Mother: Vash! What are you doing with that Picard mannequin?
Vash: Um...nothing.
Frankie Chestnuts Picard: "I keep telling you: I'M...NOT...GAY!!!"
Vash: "SURE you aren't... Here... I'll prove it to you."
Picard: "I'M FRENCH!!"
Vash: "With THAT accent??? REALLY?? Admit it."
Cailus Yeah, Vash, we know. Stop gloating.
vash Hmmm, Jean you're suc...hey is that Spock...later frenchie!
Captain Redbeard Picard fought bad breath and tooth decay with 24th century mouth-Vash.
Bird of Prey Vash: ''You are a better kisser than the Ferengi. Yeah OK, that was a rather faint praise...''
Bird of Prey Disc Jockey: ''Captain Picard, do you have any preferences for the dancing music?''
Picard: ''Make it slow!''
N'tran DS 12 A slightly different "Picard Manuver".
DBB Where will you be when your laxatives take effect?
Frankie Chestnuts Picard: His lips engaged.

Entries : 100People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 19,198 Last updated : 1 Jun 2015