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Caption Competition

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19 Sep 2004

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Name Caption
HJSalberg Now I know where that canned laughter was coming from.

Special Mention

Name Caption
janewayophile Torres " Hard drive huh, looks more like a floppy to me "
Drew B'Elanna: All right Marvin, activate the Infinate Improbability Drive."
Drewbacca Voyager once visited a planet composed entirely of street performers.
3of9 Lore infiltrated voyager by captivating B'elanna while hiding a chunk of the crystalline entity behined the door.
SlideMan "Klatuu, Barada, Nikto! Klatuu, Barada, Nikto!"
SlideMan "Bite my shiny metal ass!
Bryan Moore "I may be known as 6263, but my porno name is 6969. Yeahhhhh baby!"
SlideMan "Danger! Danger B'Lanna Torres! Danger!"
Silent Bob "It's not my fault I'm evil, I've got a Microsoft operating system!"
Silent Bob B'Elanna: "Tonight Mathew, I'm going to be Shirley Bassey"
ELProphet I thought Robin Williams was shorter than that...
The Pfeiff A terminator endoskelton and Torres share a tender moment over the smells of burning human flesh.
Adol Robot : So why did you replace the warp core with a lava lamp?
Assassin Tom! One of your silly Captain Proton Hologramms escaped!
CornMaster No! I'm not lubricating your control shaft.

Entries : 401People : 120

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,480 Last updated : 19 Sep 2004