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Caption Competition

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1 Jun 2013

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Bird of Prey Dentists: Scary on every planet!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Miss Marple This photo reminds me so much of the Woody Allen movie Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask).
Miss Marple Another rejected cover for the White Album.
Miss Marple OB-GYN Examinations.... IN SPAAAAAAAAAAACE!
Frankie Chestnuts Seven of Nine: "Doctor, does there always have to be an audience during my annual vaginal exam?"
Doctor: "I'm sorry Seven... They won the lottery."
Ruby on Rails v3.2.13  Module Ruby on Rails v3.2.13
A average C calculate, count M maximum, minimum P pluck S sum Instance Public methods
average(column_name, options = {}) Link
Calculates the average value on a given column. Returns nil if there’s no row. See calculate for examples with options.
Person.average('age') # => 3
Frankie Chestnuts Woman: "We are the Emergency Medical Holograms... Please state the nature of your medical emergency."
Man: "What do you mean WE. I am the EMH!! YOU are just a collection of semi-organized photos."
Woman: "SEMI-organized??? YOUR photons are BARELY cohesive!!"
Patient: "Could I please have some help here... I'm bleeding quitebadly."
Man & Woman: "SHUT UP!!!"
Ty.G Woman: The Zen Riddle: What is so hot they're cool, yet so cool they're hot?
Man: Uh... Pop Tarts?
Ty.G Their mugging scarred him, their love of science consumed him, their doctorates inspired him, but the glasses blinded him.
He became DR. INSAINO!!!
RedDwarfian "He has your best friend's eyes..."
Ty.G Their mugging scarred him, their love of science consumed him, their doctorates inspired him, but the glasses blinded him.
He became DR. INSANO!!!
Frankie Chestnuts Waking up in the "Bad Trip Tent" at Woodstock...
You shouldn't have taken the "Brown Acid".
Bird of Prey Woman: ''Look at this! The marvelous wonder of life! Nothing less than a present of the gods!''
Man: ''Your cupcakes aren't THAT good.''
Bird of Prey Two NSA employees, watching you surfing the internet.
Captain 8472 This is what you look like when looking at cat videos.
Ty.G Inner Monologue: You know... ever since I mentioned I was an organ donor... these two have been looking at me... very uncomfortably...

Entries : 104People : 30

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,810 Last updated : 1 Jun 2013