![]() |
Name | Caption |
Bird of Prey | Dentists: Scary on every planet! |
Name | Caption |
Miss Marple | This photo reminds me so much of the Woody Allen movie Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask). |
Miss Marple | Another rejected cover for the White Album. |
Miss Marple | OB-GYN Examinations.... IN SPAAAAAAAAAAACE! |
Frankie Chestnuts | Seven of Nine: "Doctor, does there always have to be an audience during my annual vaginal exam?" Doctor: "I'm sorry Seven... They won the lottery." |
Ruby on Rails v3.2.13 Module | Ruby on Rails v3.2.13 Module ActiveRecord::Calculations activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/calculations.rb Methods A average C calculate, count M maximum, minimum P pluck S sum Instance Public methods average(column_name, options = {}) Link Calculates the average value on a given column. Returns nil if there’s no row. See calculate for examples with options. Person.average('age') # => 3 |
Frankie Chestnuts | Woman: "We are the Emergency Medical Holograms... Please state the nature of your medical emergency." Man: "What do you mean WE. I am the EMH!! YOU are just a collection of semi-organized photos." Woman: "SEMI-organized??? YOUR photons are BARELY cohesive!!" Patient: "Could I please have some help here... I'm bleeding quitebadly." Man & Woman: "SHUT UP!!!" |
Ty.G | Woman: The Zen Riddle: What is so hot they're cool, yet so cool they're hot? Man: Uh... Pop Tarts? Woman: IT'S NOT POP TARTS!!! |
Ty.G | Their mugging scarred him, their love of science consumed him, their doctorates inspired him, but the glasses blinded him. He became DR. INSAINO!!! |
RedDwarfian | "He has your best friend's eyes..." |
Ty.G | Their mugging scarred him, their love of science consumed him, their doctorates inspired him, but the glasses blinded him. He became DR. INSANO!!! |
Frankie Chestnuts | Waking up in the "Bad Trip Tent" at Woodstock... You shouldn't have taken the "Brown Acid". |
Bird of Prey | Woman: ''Look at this! The marvelous wonder of life! Nothing less than a present of the gods!'' Man: ''Your cupcakes aren't THAT good.'' |
Bird of Prey | Two NSA employees, watching you surfing the internet. |
Captain 8472 | This is what you look like when looking at cat videos. |
Ty.G | Inner Monologue: You know... ever since I mentioned I was an organ donor... these two have been looking at me... very uncomfortably... |
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 15,810 | Last updated : 1 Jun 2013 |