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Caption Competition

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1 May 2013

Caption comp image


Name Caption
EMH_MkI I believe this is a case of St.Patrick's day gone horribly wrong...

Special Mention

Name Caption
Jonesy Don't take the brown acid.
Frankie Chestnuts Female: "WOW!! I haven't had gas this bad since I last had pickled gagh at Quark's."
McFortner Oh, girl, where did you get those shoes? I'm green with envy!
Ithekro It's not easy being green.
Yeah, well try being yellow!
Miss Marple Lactous intollerance... IN SPAAAAAAAAACE!
Bird of Prey I totally hate these overacting salespeople in Bajoran informercials!
Bird of Prey Man: ''Don't look so shocked, I've told you all about my health problems when we married!''
Frankie Chestnuts Female: "DEAR GOD!!! Civet Cat Coffee is made of WHAT??"
Bill Don't make him Angry! You won't like him when he's Angry!
jg and Neelix's Warp Core Chili claims another victim
Bird of Prey This Orion has lost his belt!
Frankie Chestnuts Woman: "KHHHAAAAAaaaaaaannn!"
Man: "No, it's CORN... I'm allergic to corn."
Woman: "COOOOOOOooooorrrrnnnnn!"
Man: "...and shellfish. I blow up like a balloon if you even THINK of shrimp.
Frankie Chestnuts Woman: "KHHHAAAAAaaaaaaannn!"
Man: "No, it's CORN... I'm allergic to corn."
Woman: "COOOOOOOooooorrrrnnnnn!"
Man: "...and shellfish. I blow up like a balloon if you even THINK of shrimp.
Woman: "PRAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaawn!"
Miss Marple An outtake from the dance scene in Pulp Fiction.
Frankie Chestnuts Where will YOU be when your twenty condoms of China White Heroin burst?
Frankie Chestnuts Ricky: "Lucy... You got some splainin' to do..."
Lucy: "WAAAAAaaaaaaa"

Entries : 77People : 29

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,178 Last updated : 1 May 2013