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Caption Competition

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1 Oct 2012

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Jack "Scotty to maintenance. I found the clog in the captain's toilet".

Special Mention

Name Caption
PegasusJF Some people built ships in bottles, Scotty on the other hand...
Frankie Chestnuts Not Seen: Scotty's right hand.
Frankie Chestnuts Scotty: "Aye laddie... They aren't as big as they look. The anti-gravity chamber adds at least two cup sizes."
RedDwarfian Dr. Venkman: I like her because she sleeps above the covers. Four FEET above the covers.
Nerd907 Ah, lass, I told you that eating that apple the old lady gave you was a bad idea.
unixrevolution Scotty, ever the literalist, would never again be asked by a female crewmember how they could lose weight.
kent Scotty likes to watch...
Jack Scotty:"Nay, captein. If we get it of its box it will lose most of its value".
Frankie Chestnuts ...and yet ANOTHER lousy hotel room in Tokyo.
Miss Marple Lieutenant: Scotty, what's all tha- ARE YOU TAKING PICTURES?!?!?
JillyBean The Force is strong with this one...
mwhittington Bones: (off screen) If I didn't see it I never would have believed it!
Scotty: Aye, that's right! I told ye there was such a thing as the "zero g" spot!
Miss Marple After the Magic Mirror informed him of a BETTER engineer, he had no other recourse...
Now he had to find a way to keep Kirk and his "Sexual Healing" lips away.
Merat Scotty: "And all Dr. McCoy got the captain for his birthday was a pair of glasses!"
Ty G. "So, which ensign is this? Busty Sinclair, or Chesty LaRue?"
mwhittington Captain: "Stop tapping the glass, Scotty, they don't like that!"
Ty G. Scotty: There's some sort o' glitch in the programmin', cap'n!
Captain: I'd like to put a glitch in HER programming, if ya know what I mean.
Scotty: Cap'n, we cannae start the unfreezing process!
Captain: I'd like to unfreeze HER, if ya catch my drift.
Scotty: The cryogenic compartment's losing power, Cap'n!
Captain: I'd like to make HER lose power, if ya know what I mean.
Ty G. Scotty: Oh, I thought ye were dead! *zzzip* Sorry, lass.
Ty G. We see one girl, but after all those scotches...
Bird of Prey Scotty: ''You are aware of the fact that a correlation between an excessive use of the tanning bed and skin cancer has been known since the 20th century, right?''
Bird of Prey Scotty's newest Invention: The expendable crewmember vending machine!
Bird of Prey Scotty's newest prank: Beaming Captain Kirk's ''conquests'' directly out of his bed!
PHRobertson It takes a real sociopath to drown a woman, then casually check the windowsill for dust.
Nerd907 Star Trek: Voyeurism

Entries : 199People : 52

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 18,093 Last updated : 1 Oct 2012