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Caption Competition

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1 May 2012

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Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Sulu: MY family grew up in one of the most HORRIBLE neighborhoods on the Upper West Side... We didn't even have a view of the park."
Chekov: "My father vas a dirt farmer."
Sulu: "The boarding school I attended wasn't even restricted!!"
Chekov: "I learned to beg on the streets."
Sulu: "We ran out of caviar once... WE RAN OUT!!"
Chekov: "One vinter ve had to eat my little sister."

Special Mention

Name Caption
C. W. Perkins Chekov: You're telling me that the Captain's vearing a vig?!!
Sulu: Yes, and a very soft one. Now be quiet! He's about to make one of his dramatic and inspiring speeches.
Frankie Chestnuts Sulu: "If you don't get your hand off my ass in the next 20 minutes, there's going to be trouble!"
Miss Marple Chekov: So unfair... I am sucking in my gut as tight as I possibly can and HE'S just sitting there all casual & stuff.
He has a good 12 pounds on me and I STILL look fat?????
Frankie Chestnuts Sulu: "Isn't that Lieutenant hot?"
Chekov: "Vhich von?
Sulu: "DeSalle.."
Chekov: "Lieutenant WINCENT DeSalle?"
Sulu: "DeSalle?? NO, NO, NO... Palmer... Lieutenant Palmer... SHE'S hot!"
Chekov: "Sometimes I vonder about you..."
Miss Marple Chekov, to self: So unfair... I am sucking in my gut as tight as I possibly can and HE'S just sitting there all casual & stuff.
He has a good 12 pounds on me and I STILL look fat?????
Sulu, to self: It's no use... I am a SLAVE to the gym and NO ONE ever notices!
Miss Marple Chekov: He smells FANTASTIC!
Mr. President Chekov: "Sulu, do you ever think these urinals are too close together?"
Sulu: "Eyes front, mister."
Blaston Phools Sulu: Here comes the Captain.. with his blonde hair and forget-me-not blue eyes. When he turns those eyes on me Chekov.. it feels like im basking in the light of twin suns.
Blaston Phools Sulu: Im sorry Mr Chekov but my Hitler haircut is way more accurate.
Chekov: I refuse to even take part in this.
Sulu: ... You mad Brah?
Chekov: What does that even mean!?
ST14 Sulu Thinking to self: "I’ve been waiting so long for him to look at me like that... careful, act normal don’t blow it Hikaru... yes act normal, I’ve wanted so long to tell him.. ok get a grip, pretend that you don’t notice... keep that serious look, don’t smile! don’t smile! DON'T LET ON!!! Oh Pavel..."
Chekov thinking to self: “What the hell is that thing on his ear?”
Frankie Chestnuts Chekov: "Holy Crap! I can see clean through to Vladivostok."
Sulu: "Very funny."
Nerd907 Chekhov: Sulu, stop it. Nobody's going to notice that mustard stain on your shirt. Now can we stop looking at the mirror and go back to the bridge?
jg Sulu: You know, there will be continous joke about my gayness or farting this month.
Chekov: You're gay?
Cyrus Ramsay George: I can't believe I came third in the "George Takei lookalike contest".
Mr. President Takei: "Walter, do you ever get the feeling we're here just to be eye-candy?"
Frankie Chestnuts Sulu: "LOOK at him in action... The way he jumps around... Arms flailing... Spittle flying... HE IS THE MASTER!
Chekov: "?"
walking fart Oh my god, Hiraku was that you?
shut up pavel. just shut up.
Oh my god you should drop the kiddies in the pool, pinch a loaf, pop a pin cone...
Shut the hell up Pavel.....
....sound the butt trumpets...i don't need colon colonge....damn those air biscuits...don't need the brown haze or the brown mist...or the buttcheek blow out....
Pavel just shut the hell up...
.....damn those cushion creepers....those ....wind benenth those cheeks..
those...after dinner mints...
damn Pavel I swear I'll...
those.....air monkeys....those...ass flappers....those...barking rats.....
Pavel if you don't shut the hell up I swear to god I'll....
Kirk: Dawmn what's that smell?
epclarkson "Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pavel?"
"Yes I am, Hikaru, but this time you wear the tutu."
Miss Marple Of course, Walter. Having an extensive knowledge of hair care products IS part of my Asian heritage.
Next week we'll work on manscaping those side-burns a bit.
Frankie Chestnuts The Ambiguously Gay Duo.....
Miss Marple Chekov, to self: ...don't ask...
Sulu, to self: ...don't tell...
Frankie Chestnuts Gearing up for THE SECOND inter-racial kiss on network television.
tlbs101 Sulu: Pavel, do you like Gladiator movies?
Cyrus Ramsay George: I can't believe I came third in the "George Takei lookalike contest".
Walter: I can't believe I came first.

Entries : 214People : 56

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 18,267 Last updated : 1 May 2012