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Caption Competition

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25 Dec 2011

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Name Caption
Miss Marple The longest surviving red shirt in the federation.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Scotty was famous on the ship for his West Highland White Terrier immitation.
DBB Scott: What do you mean 'Santa's not real'?
Miss Marple The exception to the "red shirt" rule.
Legion Scotty thinking: Thank god that I'm a main character.
ThePolymath47 "Im a two time Stare-out champion laddy, and a kin do this all day.."
Miss Marple The Miracle Worker....IN SPAAAAAACE!
Miss Marple Due to Scotty's imagination and resourcefulness, Dyson Vacuums incredible suction will soon be based on the gravitational well of a Dyson Sphere.
Don't even get him talking about his plans for the enhanced Dyson Air Multiplierâ„¢
Bird of Prey Kirk: ''You know, Mr. Scott, one of the delights of our job is that we get to eat a lot of very exotic and odd looking food, like gagh, plomeek soup, or roasted tribble. Take for example this really weird dish here in front of me. I wonder from which planet it originates. The culture there must be quite strange and alien, completely different from ours.''
Scotty: ''Sir, this is called haggis, and it's from Scotland.''
Fuzzy Is Montgomery Scott gonna have to choke a Tellarian?
Miss Marple Do I LOOK like I have too much time on my hands???
Miss Marple His inner 13-year-old-self is dying to scream "shove it in yer "Jeffries tubes!"
Blaston Phools "Scotty. Though reading the ships historical database, was shocked to discover that at one time in the past Scotland actually once qualified for the World Cup!"
Blaston Phools Taggert.. IN SPAAACCE!!!!
C. W. Perkins You pulled me away from the latest issue of antimatter weekly for this???
Frankie Chestnuts Well into the 23rd century, British dental care was still virtually unknown.
Mr. Bean Scotty: "Just because it was green going in, doesn't mean it should've been green coming out."
tlbs101 Young lighting technician Abrams plays with the slight flare off of Doohan's eye.
tlbs101 Nay, I am not from England; I am from Scotland. Why do you ask?
jg Scotty: Aye lad, you need not worry. I have been wearing a redshirt for years now and nothings happen to me.
Ensign Redshirt: How have stayed alive so long.
Scotty: Being a costar of the show helps alot. But enough talk, let's get to work and beam down to that dangerous and inhospitable planet.
nerd86 Scotty: You mind repeatin' that order Captain?
Kirk: Look, Scotty, it's just that, well, the dress code clearly states-
Scotty: Uhura and Chapel can walk around in skimpy dresses and I'm not allowed to wear a traditional Scottish Kilt?!
Kirk: Well we wouldn't mind so much if it weren't for the fact that you insist on going commando AND refuse to cross your legs when you sit...
Miss Marple In the future, due to Scotty's imagination and resourcefulness, Dyson Vacuums incredible suction will be based on the gravitational well of a Dyson Sphere.
How will YOU fund YOUR retirement?
Miss Marple Scotty often thinks back about how many Tribbles he had beamed to how many places...
Aye, it's good to feel at peace with your past.
Bird of Prey Scotty: ''It is green!''
Nude Orion woman: ''Boy, you really have to learn the difference between giving a compliment and stating the obvious.''

Entries : 145People : 40

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 17,318 Last updated : 25 Dec 2011