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Caption Competition

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4 Dec 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Mr. President Years later, Kira would recount this story, adding to it the words, "...and I was very, very drunk."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Miss Marple YES I have too much time on my hands. Why do you ask?
Frankie Chestnuts Between takes, Nana would often lounge on the sidelines and shout "useful" suggestions to the other actors.
Frankie Chestnuts Between takes, Nana would often lounge on the sidelines and shout "useful" suggestions to the other actors.
"Play it like Shatner would have." was her favorite.
Frankie Chestnuts I'm so ronery,
So ronery,
So ronery and sadry arone.
There's no one,
Just me onry,
Sitting on my rittle throne
nerd86 "Please keep it fairly clean." Well, then stop giving us the dirtiest pictures on the show. Geesh.
Frankie Chestnuts *snap*
Nimoy: "That's great Nana. It would be PERFECT if you were only 200 lbs more. But this is real good...
It just could be better."
nerd86 If you think this is dirty, wait till you find out where Odo is hiding right now.
Fuzzy Oh, you'll be back. They all come back.
Frankie Chestnuts Miles (entering): "Keiko, have yo- Major... What are you doing In here?"
Kira: "Oh... Nothing. Just wondering if you'd like to come over here and sit down."
Miles: "Major... When we asked you to carry our baby, you DID realize Keiko was already pregnant?"
Kira: "Well... Um... Sure I did. Of course!"
Miss Marple Kira, thinking: Wow, being pregnant has really made my chest bigger.
Horta mother thinking: Ugly bags of mostly water.
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: "You think THIS is bad? You should see the way I act in the alternate universe."
Miss Marple This is how they maintained ratings on a show that was basically about an office building in space
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: "I got your photon torpedoes... RIGHT HERE!"
Quark: "Major, I think you've had enough... Why don't you call it a night and go back to your quarters."
Miss Marple Well why don't you tell me what you have in mind, and type it REAL SLOW and toughtful-like...
Miss Marple Excuse me nerd86, but everybody knows that Janeway captained the Voyeur.
Blaston Phools "Why hello there Sir Galahad, welcome to Castle Anthrax"
Miss Marple The casting couch.......IN SPAAAAACE!
Miss Marple Odo Eroticism
Miss Marple Major Odo Eroticism
Miss Marple This beautifully framed photo will be available after the competition for 1/4 strip gold pressed latinum.
Personal holoprograms available in a limited basis.
QUARK'S: Puveyors of ALL that SELLS™
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: "It's GOOD be the Intendant!
Mr. President Sisko: "We never should have got Major Kira that massage chair for her birthday -- she doesn't even pretend she's going to show up for her duty shifts anymore."
McFortner (singing) "Don't you wish your girlfriend was Bajoran like me?"
Sondak Sadly, the Hotties of Deep Space Nine calendar ran out of women fairly quickly. Things went downhill in May when Worf posed in the same outfit.

Entries : 142People : 24

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,732 Last updated : 4 Dec 2011