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Caption Competition

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2 May 2005

Caption comp image


Name Caption
GrueMaster One was for Kirk and his enormous ego,
One for Riker and his massive libido,
But I think that the best Orion of all,
Was the one for Archer with his popularity small.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Xavier YMCA?
Lobster Gul Dukat: "Ziyal, what in hell are YOU doing there?????"
NH Tonight's episode of Enterprise has been cancelled, instead we present you Star Shrek!
Mikey Archer was later to wake in an alley with no clothes and his wallet missing.
Praximusatrilajeyuoz In a bid to replace RGB monitor technology, we bring you this innovation: GGG!
Rat Boy Kermit the Frog's bachelor party was one for the history books.
DanielB "So this is what 'eat your greens' meant..."
Micuu The wheel. Warp Drive. Bikinis. Some good inventions are simply universal.
Game Guru GG Archer: Again, I would like to thank Zephram Cochrane for inventing Warp Drive.
BlasterMaster555 "You cannot resist us, Mr. Powers."
The Pfeiff The new starfleet computer systems.
Now THAT's what I call a bio gel pack.
Lamont Comm "Clean up at captains chair. Clean up at captains chair."
Mikey "...and on the left, bachelorette #3 enjoys long walks on the beach, puppies, margaritas, and insidiously subverting male command structures!"
RedDwarfian "Statuesque, aren't they?"
"They are statues."
Griddles Despite this being the umpteenth time sexy females from another race have been aboard a Starfleet vessel, they always seem to post hapless male security guards...
Dante I like green butts and I cannot lie...

Entries : 404People : 146

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,020 Last updated : 2 May 2005