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Caption Competition

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18 Sep 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Jonesy "Oh, you're such a cute wittle Captain, yes you are!"

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek (Barclay walks in): "Why aren't my physicals like this? Does everyone hate me! I hate everyone! Screw it! I'm going to the holodeck!"
The reason why Barclay is addicted to the holodeck.
Frankie Chestnuts Picard: “Sometimes I feel I've got to
run away.. I've got to
get away from the pain you drive in the heart of me.”
Crusher: “The love we share, seems to
go nowhere.
And I've lost my light.
Now I toss and turn, I can't sleep at night.”
Picard: “Once I've ran to you, (I ran),
now I run from you.
This tainted love you given,
I give you all a boy could give you,
take my tears and that's not nearly all.”
Both: “Tainted Love,
Tainted love.”
Frankie Chestnuts Crusher: "Hey there, big boy... How 'bout you and me head back to my quarters for an anatomy lesson?"
Frankie Chestnuts Crusher: "Hey there, big boy... How 'bout you and me head back to my quarters for an anatomy lesson?"
Picard: "I only came in here because I have a headache."
Frankie Chestnuts Crusher: "They don't call me the 'Dancing Doctor" for nothing."
Picard: "What the hell does that even mean?"
Frankie Chestnuts Crusher: Oh, Captain... You've got a little thing... Right there... A little bit... Right there... In your teeth... On the right side... No, YOUR right... No... You don't have it... It's right there..."
Frankie Chestnuts Crusher: "Captain, you really have to be more careful with your dental care... Do you floss?"
PegasusJF Beverly: "Now do what Mama says, or I'll relieve you from command and throw your sorry ass in the brig..."
Mikey Crusher: "Now, turn that frown upside-down! Who's a big starship captain?"
Picard, grumpily: "... I am."
Crusher: "C'mon, who's a big starship captain?"
Picard, louder: "I am!"
Crusher: "You sure are! No go up there and tell Riker to grow up and move out!"
sentinel64 Dr Crusher: Jean Luc, you have the cutes cheeks... your mother must hav loved pinching them... soooo cuuuute.
Picard: Beverly, I came in here to chastize you on your excess budgeting.... And you just turn on the charm. Oh you red head vixen... do you think my cheeks are cute... mommy.
nerd86 Crusher: The strange energy on this planet makes me feel ten years younger! Oh, Jon-Luc *leans forward* do you know what that means?
Picard: You feel 45 again?
Crusher: It means I'm hor- wait you think I'm 55!? Get the hell out of my office!
nerd86 Little did they know Wesley was hiding just behind those blinds...
nerd86 Data: *bursts in* Captain! We've detected a critical overload of sexual tension in this section of the ship! You have to evacuate immediately!
Picard: Well, not with you watching...
Data: No, sir, I said EVACUATE...
Frankie Chestnuts
Picard: I got chills.
They're multiplyin'.
And I'm losin' control.
'Cause the power
you're supplyin',
it's electrifyin'!

Crusher: You better shape up,
'cause I need a man,
and my heart is set on you.
You better shape up,
you better understand
to my heart, I must be true.

Picard: Nothin' left, nothin' left for me to do.

Both: You're the one that I want.
(you’re the one that I want).

Wesley: ooo, ooo, ooooo.

Both: You're the one that I want.
(you’re the one that I want).

Wesley: ooo, ooo, ooooo.

Both: You're the one that I want.
(you’re the one that I want).

Wesley: ooo, ooo, ooooo.

Both: The one I need.
Oh, yes indeed.
The Geek McFadden uses Stewart's forehead to check for food stuck in her teeth.
A year later, she is fired and replaced by a woman 400 years her senior.
Coincidence? I think not!
JTK: Crusher: "Jean luc, I'm not wearing any underwear."
Picard: "Beverly, neither am I..."
Wesley: "Neither am I!"
Frankie Chestnuts Crusher: "So... now that you've taken care of Jack, all you've got to do is beam Wesley out into deep space... and you'll have me ALL to yourself..."
Jess Shelton Now Captain, Vulcan pinch therapy may be somewhat controversial in medical circles but it is the ideal treatment for curing your chronic grumpy face.
The Geek Crusher: "Give me that promotion!"
Picard: "Why? The producers are thinking of firing you at the end of this season."
Crusher: "Oh! Well... err... aw dammit."
Frankie Chestnuts Crusher: "Who's a good captain? "Who's a good captain? YOU ARE!! YES, YOU ARE!!"
Miss Marple Crusher: "Your teeth... they're too nice to be British... Oh, that's right, you're 'French'."
nerd86 Picard: ...but what if they find out?
Crusher: No one will even notice for four or five days. That'll give us time to plant the evidence in Data's quarters and we can be rid of both our nuisances once and for all!
Picard: Then it is settled... tonight, Wesley dies.
nerd86 Crusher: Oh, Jon-Luc, read me some French poetry.
Picard: I've memorized the very best for just such an occasion: 'Oh, laaaydyy, nice laaayyydyyy! Froinlavin! With the nice hair and none of the hittings with the shoe that hurts. Oh LAAAYDYY NIIIICE LAAAYYYDYYY!'
Crusher: *sigh* Well, I got what I asked for...
Kent Jean-Luc: Have you been drinking??
Beverly: I'm Irish...what do you think.
Jean-Luc: Oh...I just thought you were slutty.

Entries : 66People : 26

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,259 Last updated : 18 Sep 2011