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Caption Competition

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21 Aug 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
The Geek Siddig: "According to these readings, my acting carerr is over after this show."
Dorn: "Don't worry. There's always the convention circuit."
Director: "CUT!"

Special Mention

Name Caption
nerd86 Sisko: So you were plotting behind our backs the whole time!
Bashir: Yes, and I'm sure you can understand why I can't have you calling Starfleet now that you've uncovered my plot.
Sisko: What Bashir, do you expect me to join you like Worf here?
Bashir: No Captain... I expect you to die.
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "Oh..... and one more thing. If someone offers you a pill... take the BLUE one."
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "Nurse, we're going to need two more tables... and four more frisbees."
Frankie Chestnuts Worf (just entering): "Ah Julian... I see you have the machine that goes... BING".
Frankie Chestnuts The Oomax-a-tron 5000
Frankie Chestnuts Worf (Entering): "What are you doing with the Ferengi vibrators?"
Sisko: "I'm doing very well, thank you."
Frankie Chestnuts Worf (Entering): "What are you doing with the Ferengi vibrators?"
Sisko: "They aren't very good."
Worf: "Consider the source."
Frankie Chestnuts Worf (Entering): "What are you doing with the Ferengi vibrators?"
Sisko: "meh."
Frankie Chestnuts Frankie Chestnuts (offscreen): "I've had just about ENOUGH with these FERENGI VIBRATORS!"
Foxbat Not to be outdone by his arch rival, Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr, Dr. Bashir attempts the Quadruple cranial screw-top brain transplant.
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "I'm getting confusing readings here..."
Nurse: "Personally, I'M confused. These people all came in here for a hypo spray for the Bajoran Flu."
mwhittington Star Trek: Minority Report
DBB "Let's put some Mentos and Coke in Odo. See what happens. Ah, or Alka-Seltzer. That should be fun."
TS Apparently Worf wasn't willing to settle for the promotion just to Lieutenant Commander...and he'd take as many people out as necessary to achieve the rank he wanted...
Bird of Prey Bashir: 'Weird! One of them is pregnant. And it is not the woman.'
RandomDude Nurse. Get on the terminal over there. Click the icon "I have no idea what to do next" button
mwhittington Bashir: Why does my tricorder keep saying "The matrix has you"?
The Geek Bashir: "... all vital signs holding steady... great! Okay Worf, I think we can start our game of 'Hungry Hungry Carbon- Based Bipedal Sentient Organisms' now!"
Nurse: "Can I recommend a name change, sir?"
Frankie Chestnuts Worf: "Why can't I get to play also?"
Bashir: "Worf, they are all infected with a Bajoran brain parasite."
Worf: "So you're saying I can't play?"
Frankie Chestnuts Worf (just entering): "Ah Julian... I see you have the machine that goes... PING".
RedDwarfian Bashir: Anything yet?
Nurse: Well, Odo appears to be melting.
Bashir: Another 10 milliamps, then.
Frankie Chestnuts Worf: "Doctor... Reporting as ordered."
Bashir: "I'll be right with you, Mr. Worf."
Worf: "Is there something I should be aware of?"
Bashir: "No... I'll have a table opening up in just a minute. Nurse, it looks as though Garak's life signs are fading..."
Worf: "Doctor?"
Bashir: "Please, Mr. Worf... Just a little patience. It won't be long now."
Frankie Chestnuts Worf: "So Doctor, how are the patients?"
Bashir: "Mr. Worf... This is the morgue."
Worf: "So, you're saying they've stabilized?"
RedDwarfian Bashir: Alright, they're in stasis. They should be safe through the hurricane.
Worf: And us?
Bashir: Oh, we're screwed!

Entries : 132People : 39

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,779 Last updated : 21 Aug 2011