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Caption Competition

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13 Mar 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
The Geek 'Captain, I can see my future!'
'Really, what do you see?'
'I see... Star Trek... a bald Romulan... Data is singing... and then nothing.'

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek 'Jesus, Patrick, was that you?!?'
'You better learn to like it, Marina, or this will be the longest 7 years of your life.'
The Geek And in this moment, we see Marina Sirtis inching past Shatner in the overacting department.
DBB 'A member of the Chocolatonian delegation went missing last night.'
'Well, I didn't eat him if that's what you're insinuating. I didn't eat him. Didn't eat ALL of him. There's still some in my quarters.'
Ktasay Troi: I sense a disturbance in the force - As if millions cried out in agony...
Picard: The fan reaction to the Enterprise series finally caught up with you.
Frankie Chestnuts Picard: 'Counselor... What's wrong?'
Troi: 'One of the worst things about being empathic is when half the crew gets food poisoning.'
Foxbat Sorry Captain, my jazzercise class ran long and I didn't have time to change...
Frankie Chestnuts Picard: 'Counselor... What's wrong?'
Troi: 'I just feel... everyone wants to kill Wesley... EVERYONE! Beverly... The crew... You... Me... All those geeks at the conventions... EVERYONE!'
Frankie Chestnuts Picard: 'Counselor... What's wrong?'
Troi: 'You've never lived with a Klingon, have you? The smell... The food... The weapons... THE BATHROOM! DEAR GOD, THE BATHROOM!'
nerd86 Troi: And then she wore white shoes! Can you believe it?
Picard: *sarcastically* What a travesty.
McFortner Troi: I gotta sleep with Worf in the seventh season?
Mr. President Troi: 'You want me to fly the ship, captain?'
Picard: 'Is that a problem?'
Troi: 'No. No problem. Not a problem at all...'
Mr. President Troi: 'I think I've left a light on.'
Picard: 'In your quarters?'
Troi: 'No, at home on Betazed. My god, the bill's going to be enormous!'
Mr. President Picard: 'What's wrong, counselor?'
Troi: 'I've just come back from sickbay. Doctor Crusher says there's no way to stop my hair from being frizzy.'
Picard: 'I remember I once had a similar problem.'
Troi: 'Really?'
Picard: 'No.'
Mr. President Troi: 'Are you sure this isn't the first officer's seat on this side?'
Picard: 'No, the first officer's seat is to the right of the captain's chair because he's the captain's right hand man. Why do you ask?'
Troi: 'It's just I think this seat's got Number One on it.'
Picard: 'Mr. Worf!'
Worf: 'Sorry, captain.'
The Geek 'What do you see, Councelor?'
'It's Data and Yar, and... actually, I think I'm gonna keep this one to myself.'
Frankie Chestnuts Troi: 'Please Captain... Don't make me look again.'
Picard: 'I'm French... It's natural for us to be naked.'
Mr. President Troi: 'I'm sensing...a powerful mind.'
Picard: 'Why, thank you.'
Mr. President Picard: 'See, people think it's called Ten Forward because it's at the forward part of deck ten, but it isn't.'
Troi: 'Why is it, then?'
Picard: 'Guinan watches a lot of porn.'
Troi: '...'
Frankie Chestnuts Picard: 'Counselor... What's wrong?'
Troi: 'Nothing really... Just a touch of the vapors.'
nerd86 Troi: Then I said Orange who?; and he said Orange you glad I didn't say Banana?
Picard: *rouses from sleep* Oh, fascinating Deanna, as usual. Ummm, Crewman Jacobs I believe its your turn to share.
DBB Troi: What do you mean I can't meet with the delegation from the planet Fudgey?
Picard: We don't need a repeat of the incident between you and the Chocolatonian ambassador.
DBB Picard: What? I thought you were serious when you told me to transport your mother into space.
Troi: I was, but I didn't think you'd do it.
DBB The Borg? All this time, I've been saying 'Brog.'
Mr. President Troi: 'So when you say Captain's Log, that's...'
Picard: 'Exactly.'
Troi: 'Eww...'

Entries : 118People : 43

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,050 Last updated : 13 Mar 2011