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Caption Competition

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13 Feb 2011

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tlbs101 ♪ She's got legs, she knows how to use them.
She never begs, she knows how to choose them ♫

Special Mention

Name Caption
nerd86 It took years of engineering, and months of practice, but O'Brien can now enjoy his Kira shaped piano... for personal reasons.
Frankie Chestnuts Miles: 'Here?'
Kira: 'Ouch! Lower!.'
Miles: 'How about here?'
Kira: 'LOWER!.'
Miles: 'How's this?'
Kira: 'Miles... This is a foot massage! A FOOT MASSAGE!'
Frankie Chestnuts We can all sympathize with Miles in this situation. Not only does he have a bitchy wife to deal with, he has to keep his pregnant girlfriend happy also.
Frankie Chestnuts Keiko: '-OH! I'm sorry. Didn't mean to disturb you.'
Miles: 'No problem, Keiko... Just lock the door on your way out.'
Frankie Chestnuts Miles: 'Think about baseball... think about baseball... think about baseball...'
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: 'Oh, Miles! You're fingers are like magic!'
O'Brien: 'That comes from practice.'
Kira: 'You massage other members of the station?'
O'Brien: 'Not really... I massage my pet Cardassian Vole.'
Kira: 'Eeeew... I think we're done.'
nerd86 Day 93: Our captors have cut our rations. They demand to witness our method of reproduction. They've threatened to kill us if we don't procreate; yet Kira still refuses. I mean I know I'm not Brad Pitt or anything but WE MIGHT FRICKING DIE! She fornicates with walking jello and shes got a problem with me?! Come on!
nerd86 O'Brien: My hands are magic, baby. I'll play you like an instrument. I'll have you moanin' in time to a metronome. I'll-
Kira: Miles. It's a Charley Horse, not a date.
O'Brien: *clears throat* Of course; I didn't think your claims of having a Charley Horse was a signal or anything. I was just joking around, heh heh, please don't tell Keiko what I said.
nerd86 Take out the trash Miles, rub my feet Miles, wash the viewport Miles, rub my close friend's firm legs Miles... On second thought marriage has its occasional perks.
Frankie Chestnuts ...and in an alternate universe, 'Evil Kira' keeps a pet Miles.
Frankie Chestnuts They don't call him 'Smiley' for nothing.
Frankie Chestnuts Kira and her mechanical 'Smiley'.
tlbs101 Kira: And you're sure this technique works on Keiko?
Miles: I never sai... Sure! works like a charm!
Frankie Chestnuts O'Brien: ♫'It's nine o'clock on a Saturday,
The regular crowd shuffles in.
There's an old man sitting next to me,
Makin' love to his tonic and gin.'♪
Kira: 'Miles, the singing is bad enough... But the tip jar is just too much.'
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir (walking in): 'Oooo, oooo. Me next!'
DBB O'Brian was already uncomfortable, but it got worse when Kira started in on her animal impersonations. The hooting of the Bajoran monkey was the last straw.
RedDwarfian And everyone laughed at O'Brien when he was practicing his massaging techniques on the EPS conduits...
Frankie Chestnuts O'Brien: 'So Kira, are you interested in a 'Happy Ending'?'
Frankie Chestnuts O'Brien: 'So Kira, can I help you with a 'Happy Ending'?'
Kira: 'No Miles, I don't think you can.'
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: 'Chief, that was great. Thanks'
O'Brien: 'My pleasure... Is there anything else I can do for you ...ANY-thing at all?
Kira: 'Turn out the lights when you leave.'
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: 'That was great Miles. When can we do this again?'
O'Brien: 'Anytime... but you've got to promise one thing... stop farting.'
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: 'Jeez Miles... UP HIGHER!! No wonder you and Keiko were having trouble with her pregnancy!'
tlbs101 Miles; his thoughts of Keiko waning.
tlbs101 Miles: Perhaps some music will help soothe you. Computer; play something appropriate.
Kira: Why is a Barry White song playing?

Entries : 95People : 26

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,248 Last updated : 13 Feb 2011