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Caption Competition

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6 Feb 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Data: 'Commander if-
Commander, ple-
Please do not ke-
Do not continue to-
Please stop-
The button is not-
Commander, plea-'

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Riker: Have you ever had the experience of déjà vu?
RedDwarfian Riker: What do you know? Ctrl-Alt-Del worked!
Frankie Chestnuts Data: 'Are you certain that this will enhance my understanding of how it is to be human?'
Riker: 'Absolutely! Humiliation is one of the most primal human responses.' *snigger*
Frankie Chestnuts Riker (whispering): 'Now tell him that you've always wanted to sit in that chair...'
nerd86 For Data... a potentially emotionally scarring experience, if he had emotions of course.
For Riker... Saturday.
Mr. President Data: 'Commander, it is most unfair of you to attempt to rig our game of hide-and-seek by removing my eyes.'
Mr. President Riker: 'I know Deanna is trained as a counselor, but I figured if she wants to have a go piloting the ship, who am I to stop her? I mean, what's the worst that can happen?'
Data: *sighs*
PegasusJF Data: With my eyes glued shut I can't even see, how am I supposed to fight?
Riker: Your eyes can decieve you, don't trust them...
condan1993 'Please keep it fairly clean' Damn it!
The Geek Riker: 'Geez, Data, I know you and Yar have something going on, but couldn't you wait until you got back to your quarters?'
Data: 'Processing... processing...'
Mr. President Riker: 'Data, I need some help practising pick up lines. Can you help me?'
Data: 'Of course, commander. I would be intrigued to learn about this facet of human behavior. Proceed.'
Riker: 'Okay, here we go. Imagine we're in Ten Forward, you're having a drink and I've just walked up behind you.'
Data: 'Understood, sir.'
Riker: *sniffs* 'That's an interesting perfume you're wearing.'
Data: 'I am not wearing perfume.'
Riker: 'Play along, Data.'
Data: 'Sorry, sir. Why, thank you, yes, I am rather fond of this particular perfume.'
Riker: 'Is is Chanel No. 5 by any chance?'
Data: 'Yes, sir.'
Riker: 'Thought so. Hey, here's an idea - how about you lose the Chanel No. 5 and try out the Enterprise Number One?'
Data: 'Is that the line, sir?'
Riker: 'That's the line.'
Data: 'It requires some work.'
Riker: 'How about if I add a Bom-chicka-wow-wow at the end.'
Data: 'I am leaving now, sir.'
Riker: 'Very well. I'll be in Ten Forward.'
nerd86 Data: Commander?
Riker: Yes, Data?
Data: Take your hand off my butt.
Riker: No, Data.
Data: But I-
Riker: Shhh...
nerd86 Deana: Will? I thought I'd come join you in the holosuit and- WHAT THE HELL?!
nerd86 Finding roofies that work on an android was the hard part...
nerd86 Riker built his own scale model of Data for... personal reasons.
nerd86 Data: Do you hear that?
Riker: Yeah, it sounds like Beverly's getting another raise.
Data: No... it's more like... an unbalanced washing machine.
lexxonnet Riker wanted to find out just how smooth an android's bottom was!
nerd86 Data: Wait. I smell... I smell... smugness! It's thick in the air as though I was standing right next to a huge, steaming pile of smug!
Frankie Chestnuts Riker: 'Here you go Data... How does this make you feel?'
Data: 'Wonderful Commander... Now I must initiate my 'Feel-Bad Subroutines'.'
Frankie Chestnuts Riker: 'I've got your 'fully functional' right here.'
Ktasay Brokeback Mountain done TNG style
DBB Riker: What's the matter, Data?
Data: I made a wager with Lt. Worf on the outcome of the Super Bowl. I bet the Packers would lose.
Riker: Well, it's just a game. What did you wager?
Data: Spot.
Riker: You lost Spot on a Super Bowl bet?
Data: Yes.
Riker: Worf doesn't like cute, furry animals. Why would he want a cat?
Data: He said he had a recipe.
The Geek The differences between Riker and alternate universe Riker were subtle, but noticeable...
The Geek Riker: 'Hey, Captain... let's shave him.'

Entries : 125People : 31

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,353 Last updated : 6 Feb 2011