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Caption Competition

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3 Apr 2005

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Fat Tony Kirk:"Don't kill me honey! I didn't want to miss our wedding! I swear! The Klingons attacked us! Uh... the Romulans disabled our engines! I spilt coffee on the controls! The red shirt torpedo backfired! Spock pinched me, Scotty was drunk and couldn't fix the engines! OH GOD PLEASE DON'T KILL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Bryan Moore Unaware of the irony that the statement will one day hold, William Shatner makes a cutting remark at someone else's hairpiece!
JT 23rd Century Dentistry
suxxxxxx Woman:"You call that a knife, Kirk? THIS IS A KNIFE!"
Zeke Thorne And she piled upon the Captain's hairy chest, a sum of all the rage and hate felt by her entire gender. If her chest had been a cannon, she would have shot her heart upon him.
DBB "Who put the dye in my shampoo?! TELL ME!!!"
Griddles In the 23rd century, hatstands became very popular weapons
Adol Kirk realises the dangers of over-protected sex
Kevin P. I told you already, I DON'T have a smaller crochet-hook. Now hold still or I'll never get this collar finished.
Kevin P. I know there are No Holds Barred in the Ultimate Fighting Championship Steel Cage Match, but I'm fairly certain the whale harpoon is illegal.
Sean D Kirk- "I thought the lynx effect was supposed to be good!"
BigBen Repeat after me : I will NOT star on Enterprise !
Kilberdi ME WANT SNU SNU!!!
Silent Bob Kirk : For once, it's *me* who is feeling a pr**k in my throat...

Entries : 367People : 121

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,886 Last updated : 3 Apr 2005