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Caption Competition

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26 Dec 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Mr. President "taH pagh taHbe'"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Director: "Who do you think you are.. Shatner? Just do the scene without the dramatics!
Frankie Chestnuts Director: "Enough with the 'Dreaming the Impossible Dream" crap. This isn't Man of La Mancha and you aren't Don Quixote. SO JUST DO YOUR LINES!"
SlideMan Mitchell: My God! It's Full of Stars!
Kirk: Uh,'ve been in space for HOW LONG now, what did you expect?
Frankie Chestnuts "A little to the left... little more. Good, now up a bit... TOO MUCH. Down... down... I think I'm picking up BBC 2."
Mr. President "Don't worry, I'll catch it!"
"Okay, two out of three?"
Mr. President Mitchell: "And the Academy Award for best actor goes to..."
Kirk: "Yoink!"
Mitchell: "Hey!"
drow Power of a GOD. Volleyball skillz of a PENGUIN.
mwhittington Christopher Pike tried channeling Storm from the X-Men to fight off his enemies once, but instead of a tornado, he flatulated. It still had the desired effect.
Bird of Prey When you are on a low gravity planet, never playfully throw a toddler into the air! He may reach escape velocity.
Frankie Chestnuts Kirk : "ESPer my ass... that's just an old circus trick! I could have done it better myself."
Frankie Chestnuts Mitchell: "Watch this... I'm channeling Jerry Rice!"
Frankie Chestnuts At the time, throwing the spilled boulder over his left shoulder seemed to make sense.
Frankie Chestnuts Actor: Quick! Throw me my career! I'll catch it! Throw it now!
Nemoy: Pitiful.
Shatner: Loser.
EMH_MkI Janeway: Captains Log - I have completed first contact with the Tak Tak, an unusual species with a tendency to mime- Oops, wrong caption competition...
EMH_MKI BEANS!!! I smell BEAAAAAAAANSSSSSSS!!!1!111oneone!11!
DBB And he would have caught the ball too, had the the glare not caught in his eye and temporarily blinded him.
Frankie Chestnuts And now... An interpretative dance.
Frankie Chestnuts The real challenge of Low Gravity Volleyball was the use of huge boulders rather than those nice bouncy balls.
Frankie Chestnuts Myth #1: Throw spilled salt over your left shoulder to prevent bad luck.
Myth #2: Throw a boulder over your left shoulder to prevent eye infections.
Neither works.
Frankie Chestnuts Too late, he realized that the Hokie-Pokie WAS what it was all about.
The Geek Wow! I needed to get THAT off my chest!
The Geek Kirk: Big deal. My ego does that while I sleep.
tlbs101 Gary Lockwood: Cum Laude graduate of the William Shatner Academy of Acting
The Geek As tragic as his death was, everyone thought his Happy Hands routine ended just the way it should have.

Entries : 89People : 36

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,095 Last updated : 26 Dec 2010