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Caption Competition

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5 Dec 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
DBB "The patient is regaining consciousness."
"Okay, quick. Put your gorilla mask on. This is going to be hilarious."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Mr. President "Don't you worry, we'll remove that memory of the Star Wars Christmas special in no time at all."
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "So you say red shirts are bad?"
Other Dr. "Yes, Doctor."
Bashir: "And we are wearing full body red suits WITH HATS??!!??"
Other Dr.: "Yes, Doctor."
Frankie Chestnuts Patient: "I'm not quite dead yet."
Bachir: "SHUT UP! Continue with the autopsy."
Patient: "I'm really feeling much better."
Bashir: "NURSE! Hand me that club!"
Frankie Chestnuts Patient: "I'm not quite dead yet."
Bachir: "SHUT UP! Continue with the autopsy."
Patient: "I'm really feeling much better."
Frankie Chestnuts Dr. Bashir: "You know... Breast augmentation surgery is really not necessary in this day and age."
Wesley: "Shut up and get on with it!"
Guybrush "This is what happens to people that don't wear silly hats around here."
nerd86 The TSA circa 2371.
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "I'm really not sure we should be doing this."
Other Doctor: "Nonsense. YOU'VE been enhanced! Why not ALL the females on the station. It will be great for ratings!!"
Mr. President "See? I told you I could surgically remove your head from your ass. Next time, show some humility."
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "lub-dub... lub-dub... lub-dub..."
Female Doctor: "Dr. Bashir, that's not necessary. We have equipment for that."
Bashir: "lub-dub... lub-dub..."
Female Doctor: "Doctor"
Bashir: "lub-dub... lub-dub... lub-dub..."
Female Doctor: "DOCTOR!"
Bird of Prey Bashir: "The medical technology of our century is truly cutting edge!"
Lady doctor: "Yeah? What is so 24th century about an ordinary scalpel?"
Bashir: "Its cutting edge!"
Mr. President Bashir: "Look, I don't want to do this, but if won't tell me how to stop the Christmas music on the DITL website, then I'm afraid I have no choice."
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "Honestly, Miles... I warned you about getting drunk and insulting Morn."
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "Honestly, Miles... I warned you about getting drunk and insulting Keiko."
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "Honestly, Miles... I warned you about getting drunk and insulting Kira."
Mr. President Bashir: "On, off, on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off..."
Nurse: "Doctor, that's the life support switch."
Bashir: "...on, off, on, off..."
Mr. President Breast enhancement surgery...IN SPAAACCE!!
Mr. President Patient: "Are you sure you've performed a gynaecological exam before, doctor?"
Bashir: "Oh, yes, hundreds of times."
Patient: "Because I was just thinking, shouldn't you be at the other end?"
Bashir: "Not after the recent court case, no."
DBB "I'm almost finished with the autopsy, doctor."
"Autopsy? This man was here to get a mole removed."
Mr. President "It's all right, Mr. Shatner, we'll have your toupee reattached in no time."
Jonesy Another attempt to give Jolene Blalock the ability to act her way out of a wet paper bag.
Mr. President Bashir: "It's lupus!"
Patient: "What's lupus?"
Nurse: "It's not lupus, he's just been watching a lot of episodes of House."
Bashir: "Would walking with a cane make me look cool? What if I grew some stubble?"
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "Dear Lord! I can see clear down to her hoo-hoo from here."
drow "Great," the patient thought, drifting in and out of her coma, "I'm being operated on by Teletubbies."

Entries : 91People : 27

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,916 Last updated : 5 Dec 2010