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Name | Caption |
DBB | "The patient is regaining consciousness." "Okay, quick. Put your gorilla mask on. This is going to be hilarious." |
Name | Caption |
Mr. President | "Don't you worry, we'll remove that memory of the Star Wars Christmas special in no time at all." |
Frankie Chestnuts | Bashir: "So you say red shirts are bad?" Other Dr. "Yes, Doctor." Bashir: "And we are wearing full body red suits WITH HATS??!!??" Other Dr.: "Yes, Doctor." |
Frankie Chestnuts | Patient: "I'm not quite dead yet." Bachir: "SHUT UP! Continue with the autopsy." Patient: "I'm really feeling much better." Bashir: "NURSE! Hand me that club!" |
Frankie Chestnuts | Patient: "I'm not quite dead yet." Bachir: "SHUT UP! Continue with the autopsy." Patient: "I'm really feeling much better." |
Frankie Chestnuts | Dr. Bashir: "You know... Breast augmentation surgery is really not necessary in this day and age." Wesley: "Shut up and get on with it!" |
Guybrush | "This is what happens to people that don't wear silly hats around here." |
nerd86 | The TSA circa 2371. |
Frankie Chestnuts | Bashir: "I'm really not sure we should be doing this." Other Doctor: "Nonsense. YOU'VE been enhanced! Why not ALL the females on the station. It will be great for ratings!!" |
Mr. President | "See? I told you I could surgically remove your head from your ass. Next time, show some humility." |
Frankie Chestnuts | Bashir: "lub-dub... lub-dub... lub-dub..." Female Doctor: "Dr. Bashir, that's not necessary. We have equipment for that." Bashir: "lub-dub... lub-dub..." Female Doctor: "Doctor" Bashir: "lub-dub... lub-dub... lub-dub..." Female Doctor: "DOCTOR!" |
Bird of Prey | Bashir: "The medical technology of our century is truly cutting edge!" Lady doctor: "Yeah? What is so 24th century about an ordinary scalpel?" Bashir: "Its cutting edge!" |
Mr. President | Bashir: "Look, I don't want to do this, but if won't tell me how to stop the Christmas music on the DITL website, then I'm afraid I have no choice." |
Frankie Chestnuts | Bashir: "Honestly, Miles... I warned you about getting drunk and insulting Morn." |
Frankie Chestnuts | Bashir: "Honestly, Miles... I warned you about getting drunk and insulting Keiko." |
Frankie Chestnuts | Bashir: "Honestly, Miles... I warned you about getting drunk and insulting Kira." |
Mr. President | Bashir: "On, off, on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off..." Nurse: "Doctor, that's the life support switch." Bashir: "...on, off, on, off..." |
Mr. President | Breast enhancement surgery...IN SPAAACCE!! |
Mr. President | Patient: "Are you sure you've performed a gynaecological exam before, doctor?" Bashir: "Oh, yes, hundreds of times." Patient: "Because I was just thinking, shouldn't you be at the other end?" Bashir: "Not after the recent court case, no." |
DBB | "I'm almost finished with the autopsy, doctor." "Autopsy? This man was here to get a mole removed." "...ooh." |
Mr. President | "It's all right, Mr. Shatner, we'll have your toupee reattached in no time." |
Jonesy | Another attempt to give Jolene Blalock the ability to act her way out of a wet paper bag. |
Mr. President | Bashir: "It's lupus!" Patient: "What's lupus?" Nurse: "It's not lupus, he's just been watching a lot of episodes of House." Bashir: "Would walking with a cane make me look cool? What if I grew some stubble?" |
Frankie Chestnuts | Bashir: "Dear Lord! I can see clear down to her hoo-hoo from here." |
drow | "Great," the patient thought, drifting in and out of her coma, "I'm being operated on by Teletubbies." |
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 13,916 | Last updated : 5 Dec 2010 |