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Caption Competition

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31 Oct 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts "Mommy... How's our health care benefits?"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Little Girl: "HEY MOMMY... LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!"
Mother; "Dear God, get away from there!"
TS "But I thought I was a REAL girl!"
TS "Look ma, no han...wait! WTF!?"
Acid "I told you it would cost an arm and a leg!"
Bird of Prey Girl: "But what about my right to bear ARMS?"
Pudabudigada "Set phasers to 'candyfloss'!
And... FIRE!
Frankie Chestnuts "... and you can see I have nothing in my hand..."
nerd86 Tell Krang I found the warbird.
Ktasay A new twist on the old 'slight of hand' magic tricks - making your whole hand disappear!
Ktasay New dress: 20 credits
Vacation on Risa: 700 credits
Discovering how to hide from your parents: Priceless!!
Mr. President Mostly 'armless.
nerd86 *sigh* It's going to be one of those days...
nerd86 You were right, it IS a river of acid.
epclarkson "It's just a flesh wound."
DBB It's all fun and games until someone loses and arm.
Frankie Chestnuts Mother: "I told you not to play near the warp core. NOW look what you've done. You just wait until your father gets home."
Chris Leathco You put your right hand in, you take your right hand out, you put your right hand in, and you shake it all about....
Darkner mild phaser burns MY ASS!
TS "Damn! I knew I forgot something at home!"
Captain Redbeard Plant: I am your father.
SpaceTruckin When high-fives go horribly wrong.
TS "Well THAT'S never happened before..."
nerd86 Mom and Dad are never going to believe me when I say Timmy was sucked into an inter-spatial vortex leading to parts unknown. Maybe I'll just say he fell in a well.
nerd86 Even the Invisible Woman needs a colonoscopy now and again.

Entries : 163People : 47

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,754 Last updated : 31 Oct 2010