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Caption Competition

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26 Sep 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Mr. President "Give her 10ccs of Shatnerizine - her acting isn't over-the-top enough."
*injects drug, T'Pol convulses*

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol had second thoughts about the age-enhancing serum... But alas... Too late.
nerd86 It's not what you think. A spider crawled unto her arm a second before this picture was taken.
Frankie Chestnuts "We are the Blog. We will tell you what we think. Resistance is futile."
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: "I'll take the 'dog collar' treatment over this one any day."
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: "I said trim AROUND the ears... Not trim the ears!"
Mr. President Who knew that when a Babel Fish dies it floats upside down in your ear canal until it's removed.
The Geek UPN executive: "You will help us get better ratings, Ms. Blalock, whether you want to, or not."
epclarkson Doctor: Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit.
T'pol: Really?
Doctor:.... no.
Frankie Chestnuts Jolene undergoes her weekly silicone injection.
The Geek Phlox: "Please, Subcommander, just relax, and tell me what happened."
T'Pol: "P-p-porthos, M-m-mayweather... decontamination g-g-gel... the howling... THE HOWLING!!!"
Darkner Archer: what happened, doctor?
Phlox: she mind-melded with Meywether... the void must have been overwelming...
Frankie Chestnuts Phlox: "Captain Archer, Please explain to the Sub-Commander why Porthos is mounting her leg."
drow T'pol: "I've changed my mind, I don't want my ears pierced. Mommy! MOMMY!"
DBB "What...? No, Porthos! Off! Off! Get off my leg!"
tomi "If that's a spider on my neck - KILL IT !
"Ooh, 'These Are The Voyages'? I'm happy to have been a part of it!"
DBB "This may sting a bit."
"Whatever the pain, I am sure that I can - HUURRK!"
Guybrush How emotions are removed on Vulcan.
drow After learning that Vulcans would become an endangered species in the future, Dr Phlox began an early program of tagging and tracking individual members.
drow T'pol: "What you are doing with my ear is merely uncomfortable. What horrifies me is your shirt."
Bird of Prey In the 22nd century, medicine will be far more sophisticated than today. Only the removal of ticks will be a very painful and exhausting process.
Bird of Prey Well guarded secret: Vulcan ears would look just like human ears, if the Vulcans wouldn't let them be painfully sharpened at regular intervals.
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: "Spiders... SPIDERS!
Phlox: "It's alright Sub-Commander. There are no spiders. It's just the DT's."
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: "Doctor... I don't believe a stapler is an appropriate tool to suturing that laceration."

Entries : 118People : 37

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,012 Last updated : 26 Sep 2010