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Caption Competition

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19 Sep 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
The Geek BEEP "Hi ladies, I'll be honest. I'm 43 years old, and the only women I've ever known are made from photons and force fields. I own a dozen cats. I went to the beach for this picture, but then realized sunlight makes me break out. Please, I'll settle for anything. I can't stand another lonely nigh-" BEEP

Special Mention

Name Caption
Mr. President Troi: "Lieutenant, have you been sniffing Seven Of Nine's underwear again?"
Barclay: "No, why do you ask?"
Frankie Chestnuts You'd think that by the 24th century, they'd have something more advanced than straw hats and zinc oxide.
Foxbat Lieutenant Barclay is in fact 'Too White and Nerdy.'
Mr. President Starfleet recruitment posters weren't quite what they used to be.
nerd86 Indiana Jones and the Forced Retirement.
Frankie Chestnuts Barklay: "Hey fellas! Anyone up for beach volleyball? How about frisbee?
Worf: "Geek."
Riker: "Nerd."
Geordi: "How about beach bocce?"
ZebulaNebula Barclay: I duplicated 99% of the functions of Geordi's VISOR into these sunglasses.
Geordi: 99% What didn't you incorporate? Theta band? Gamma rays? Microscopic?
Barclay: Visual light. Crap!
Bird of Prey I wear my sun glasses at - day!
Bird of Prey Okay, Lieutenant Barclay may not have the best fashion sense, but he is an expert in - err, um...
Bird of Prey Barclay: "I see almost nothing with this stupid shades! I have to use my sense of touch. Hmm... This could be the head of a Ferengi."
Troi: "Wrong. Now take your hands of me!"
Bird of Prey Reginald Barclay in: Baywatch Risa
Frankie Chestnuts Baked Broccoli
mwhittington How do you find a blind man at a nude beach?
It's not hard...
Frankie Chestnuts Sun-dried broccoli
The Geek Just a taaad too much analgesic cream.
The Geek (thinking) "Wow, these x- ray vision glasses work great! Just as long as I don't look at Riker's crotch.
Mr. President Troi: "Ah, Reg, you're back."
Barclay: "Yes, I countered the cumulative transdermal thermal response by applying a layer of molecularly-aligned high-albedo polymer, specifically configured to operate in the UV and visible spectrum bands, to redirect incident radiation from the entire olfactory proboscis complex."
Troi: "What?"
Barclay: "I put sunblock on my nose so it doesn't get sunburn."
Troi: "Looks good on you."
Barclay: "Thanks."
Frankie Chestnuts "Dude, where's my shuttle?"
PegasusJF Join Starfleet! See the Universe and be like...this...guy...wait a minute...
The Geek NERDS: Keep out of direct sunlight.
The Geek In the 24th century, nerds are still nerds.
N'tran DS 12 You know what this planet needs?
An ozone layer.
Frankie Chestnuts Riker: Hey there... ahhhh..CH-GEEK!!
Worf: "Bless you, Commander.." *cough..cough..NERD..cough*"
Geordi: "Yeah! *snort..snort* Reg's a dweeb!"
Riker: "We were talking about YOU, Geordi."
drow Riker: "Afraid of too much sun, Reg?"
Barclay: "Yes, commander."
Riker: "You might want to wear pants, too."

Entries : 132People : 45

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,974 Last updated : 19 Sep 2010