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Caption Competition

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15 Aug 2010

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Name Caption
sentinel64 T'Pol demonstrates the fun side of mind melding... also known as brain sexting.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Trip: "I swear to God... I'll leave you alone... Please just let go..."
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: "Vulcan children did not play 'Doctor'... We played 'Dentist'."
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: "When I said love will rip your heart out... I was being literal."
Bird of Prey 10 seconds later: Malcolm wakes up and realizes that this was all just a dream. Porthos is licking his face.
lexxonnet She's smiling! She must be a Romulan!
Frankie Chestnuts Malcolm (to self): "OK... T'Pol is lying on top of me... That's fine... BUT WHY IS SHE SMILING??"
drow T'pol: "Personal log, my relationship with Cmdr Tucker has improved since using the Vulcan Lesbian Grip on him. However, Lt. Reed seems upset with me for some reason. I'm certain that the two matters are unrelated."
drow T'pol: "Tell me what you want, what you really really want."
Trip: "I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want."
Phlox: "I want you both off my bed and out of sickbay, right now."
drow After mating, the Vulcan female prepares to consume her partner.
drow Trip: "What's the name of this episode?"
T'pol: "Trip and T'pol Make Out."
Trip: "I'm pretty sure that's not it."
T'pol: "The writers are still on strike."
PegasusJF The face of death has never looked so alluring.
Frankie Chestnuts The Star Trek Twilight Saga with T'Bella and Edward Reed.
Frankie Chestnuts Reed: "Please, dear Lord... Please stop..."
T'Pol: "It's the little things in life..."
Skifreak Reed got away with spiking T'Pol's food with Trellium-D for quite a while before Phlox caught on.
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: "Is that a phase pistol in your pocket or are you happy to see me?"
Reed: "Well I AM the weapons officer."
tlbs101 T'Pol went to the lab... to see what was on the slab.
Ithekro Whenever a Vulcan smiles a puppy dies.
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: "Now just hold still and I'll take care of everything."
Reed: "All right, I'll hold still... Just please stop smiling. It's just a little creepy."
Frankie Chestnuts Reed is shocked to learn that not ALL Vulcans in the 'Alternate Universe' had goatees.
Frankie Chestnuts Trip (walking in): "Wow, she never smiled at ME like that..."
T'Pol: "I have never done THIS to YOU before."
Reed: "Please make her stop."
The Geek T'Pol: "I love you, Trip."
Trip: "I love you, too, Mayweather."
Director: "CUT!!! Dammit, Connor, it's T'POL. (Sigh) Alright, from the top, take 37..."
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: “Hello, I'm a Mac.”
Reed: “Yes Sub-Commander… You are a Mac.
T'Pol: “And you're a PC.”
Reed: “Yes, I am.”
T'Pol: “SAY IT!”
Reed: “And I'm a PC, I'M A PC.”
T'Pol: “Excellent…”
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: "I am truly sorry to tell you this, but you ARE dreaming."
N'tran DS 12 That "emotionless" Vulcan T'Pol
Sexily, to her lover did growl:
"It won't hurt a bit,
is a lie, I'll admit."
Soon they both will bare it all.

Entries : 97People : 33

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,372 Last updated : 15 Aug 2010