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Caption Competition

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11 Jul 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
drow Producer: "When I said I wanted an episode featuring Harry Mudd, this wasn't what I had in mind."

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek (thinking): "Eww. The water was clear before Worf got in..."
Frankie Chestnuts Here, Deanna Troi is attacked by the 'Big Hair Beast' of Jersey Prime.
Mr. President "Has anyone seen Odo?"
*mud bubbles*
Frankie Chestnuts Deanna: "Worf, please have Alexander stop swimming laps."
PegasusJF I think the Oatmealian ambassador rather enjoys this....
epclarkson Deanna was unaware that Tribbles were terrified of mud.
Bird of Prey After being stuck in the mud bath, left alone for 14 hours, without anyone noticing her absence, Deanna began to realize that the Enterprise actually didn't NEED a counselor.
Darkner "Warning: holodeck catastrofic failure in 5 seconds. Emergency beam out to bridge initiated"
Bird of Prey Troi: "This pillow behind me is as hard as stone. I think it IS stone!"
Riker: "Do you want to know what else is as hard as stone right now?"
The Geek (over commlink) "Picard to Troi, report to my Ready Room immediately."
Troi: "Aw, dammit."
N'tran DS 12 Naked Time --> Naked Now --> Naked Troi
Frankie Chestnuts Troi: "Does this hair make my ass look big?"
Riker: "Talk about a no win scenario. This is worse than the Kobayashi Maru!."
Arcane Azmadi "Jolene Blalock"? Bitch, PLEASE.
TS "Well, you'd need a mud bath too after appearing in the Enterprise series finale..."
TS While Riker was in the holodeck recreating the historic missions of the NX-01, Deanna was enjoying the voyages of Jonathan Archer in a whole other way.
Frankie Chestnuts Deanna: "Bless you."
Worf: *sniff* "Thank you." *sniff*
drow Troi: "It's empathic water, from Betazed. Normally, it's pure and clear. It only turns to mud when someone with a dirty mind walks in."
Wesley: "Sorry."
TS Troi thinking: "So just because I look good naked, they stick me in a caption competition for 3 weeks..."
Frankie Chestnuts Deanna: "Mr Kennedy, how long can someone actually sit in this stuff before it goes bad?"
The Geek Mudd's woman?
The Geek Why does Troi have just the slightest smirk on her face as if she's hiding something? Well, let's just remember Data does not breathe...
Frankie Chestnuts Troi: "Does this hair make my ass look big?"
Riker: "No, your ass makes that hair look big."
drow Troi: "This mudbath is amazing. What do you call it?"
Alien: "Our ambassador."
nerd86 For Troi... a lovely day at the spa.
For Odo... well, let's just call it research.

Entries : 242People : 66

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 18,168 Last updated : 11 Jul 2010