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Caption Competition

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6 Jun 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
PegasusJF Yar: Are you fully functional? ARE YOU FULLY FUNCTIONAL?!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Bird of Prey Tasha: "I am horny!"
Geordi: "Oh, I feel flattered -"
Tasha: "Where is Data?"
Frankie Chestnuts Tasha: "Geordi! Quick. I'm looking for someone."
Geordi: "So you come to the blind guy?"
johnsmith Damnit! Look at me when I'm talking to you!
Mr. President Starfleet Security - continuing law enforcement's oppression of the black community well into the 24th Century.
Mr. President "Follow me on Twitter, you B*****D! FOLLOW ME!!!"
McFortner Yar: Don't you see what's happening here?!?
Geordi: ....
nerd86 Tasha: So then black Debi tells her 'I've seen better' ha ha!
Geordie: I find it terribly racist that you call her black Debi.
Tasha: But there's two Debis we have to differentiate them somehow.
Geordie: How would you feel if people called you white Tasha?
Tasha: There's a black Tasha?!
Bird of Prey Tasha: "I absolutely hate Talk Like A Pirate Day! Everyone makes fun of my surname!"
Bird of Prey Tasha: "I have a bad feeling regarding this away mission!"
Geordi: "Don't worry, this Armus is just a blob of trash-talking tar. What harm can he do?"
Guybrush "Look, I don't know how many times I need apologize for assuming you like Stevie Wonder music."
Kent I know you find me attractive Geordi, but lets face it... I'm SO a lesbian.
Ty.G Tasha: When I get nervous, what I do is stick my hands under sweaty arm pits like this and sniff *inhales* AHH! Who needs coffee!
Geordi: You are sick! ... let me try that...
Frankie Chestnuts Tasha: "GEORDI!! Have you ever seen a grown android naked?"
Geordi: "I've never seen MYSELF naked!"
nerd86 Geordie: Just let go of me. It's none of your business what I do in my spare time.
Tasha: We're here for you Geordie. You've got to come to grips with your addiction. You've got a problem and we're all here to help you cope with it.
Geordie: World of Warcraft is not addictive! If you played you'd understand! No if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with my guild we're doing a 20 man raid and they're going to need my hunter's DPS.
DBB Yar: No! No, no! When I said "you people," I meant helmsmen! That's it!
Frankie Chestnuts Tasha: "Dear God, Geordi! What were you thinking? Shampoo, rinse, then repeat!..THEN REPEAT!!"
Captain Feedback "You mean to tell me your VISOR allows you to see thru clothing?!?"
"Well, yes. . ."
"So you see everyone on this ship naked?"
"No I can disable that feature."
"Is it disabled now?"
" . . . "
SLAP! ! !
Bird of Prey Tasha: "CAN! YOU! UNDERSTAND! ME?"
Geordi: "Did you mix up 'blind' and 'deaf' again?"
Frankie Chestnuts Tasha: "Dear God, man! Are you blind?!"
Frankie Chestnuts Tasha: "Geordi, trust me on this. Your BLACK."
Poohbah "Geordi, are you sure that the only cure for your fever is more cowbell?"
Frankie Chestnuts Geordi: "Fully functional?? SURE I'm fully functional. Except for my eyes... and I do sweat a lot."
Bird of Prey Tasha: "But this an unbreakable rule! The black guy dies first!"
Geordi: "I am still not convinced. There have been so many exceptions that you can hardly call it an 'unbreakable rule'."
Tasha: "You want to stick to your opinion? Then, how about a bet? Concerning who of us will die first?"
Geordi: "Okay! What do I get if you lose?"
Tasha: "My yellow uniform."
tlbs101 I'm sorry Geordi. Once you go Data, you can never go black.

Entries : 134People : 36

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,494 Last updated : 6 Jun 2010