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Caption Competition

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16 May 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Voyeurism... IN SPAAACE

Special Mention

Name Caption
TS Female LT.: "Oh, lieutenant!"
Male LT.: "Wait!...mmmm mmmm MMMMMM!!!"
Female LT.: "What?! You love Harry?!"
Frankie Chestnuts Chakotay: "Well, hello there... Thought the turbo lift would be empty... Would like to go to deck 5... Well then... I guess I could take the stairs... I'll just be going then..."
nerd86 The holodeck makes watching porn a more engaging, and creepy activity.
Sekhemty Another episode of Star Trek: Voyeur
Cyrus Ramsay Chakotay: "I said this class is for martial arts, not marital arts."
Frankie Chestnuts Chakotay: "DEAR GOD, LIEUTENANT! What are you doing to the...
I guess that's alright...
Never mind."
Kent Chakotay: Now THAT'S a turbo "lift"!!!!!
Samus Chakotay: "Well at least this beats Harry kissing a cow"
PegasusJF Obviously these two don't mind an audience...
TS Lieutenant: "Oh, Commander! We didn't see you there!"
Chakotay: "Oh, don't mind me. Pretend as if I'm not here. No really. Do it..."
TS Chakotay thinking, "Hmmm...if only it was Harry instead of Miss Bove..."
nerd86 Chakotay: What is going on here!
Ensign #1: Mmmmfph, mmmfff!
Ensign #2: mmmfph mmmfffmmmmff!
Chakotay: Stop kissing and answer me!
Ensigns: mmmmmmfffffmmmmfffff!
Tuvok: I believe they said they're not kissing, sir. I believe they're trying to tell us they've been involved in some terrible super glue accident.
Chakotay: How did you tell that from their muffled words?
Tuvok: I didn't. I super glued their lips together last night. Make fun Vulcans on your Facebook? I think not!
Bird of Prey Chakotay oversees Project PIOTCVCL (Procreating In Order To Counteract Voyager's Crew Losses).
Bird of Prey Chakotay: "Superglue lipstick? Now Tom has gone too far with his pranks!"
Tevarik "Take it to the jeffries Tubes!"
DBB Not understanding what a sock on the turbolift door meant, Chakotay blunders into an embarassing situation.
Frankie Chestnuts Chakotay: "Dear Penthouse..."
Frankie Chestnuts Crewman 1: "Is he still watching?"
Crewman 2: "I can't see. Move us around so I can get a look."
Crewman 2: "Yea, he's still there."
Bird of Prey Woman: "The holo-program you created for our dates is so romantic! Although I don't quite get why you did put in Commander Chakotay."
Man: "What are you talking about? There is no Chakotay in my progr- what the hell are you doing here, Commander!?"
Bird of Prey Chakotay: "Can I... join in?"
N'tran DS 12 It's centripetal motion/ It's perpetual bliss/ It's that pivotal moment/ It's Impossible/ This Kiss This Kiss/ Unstoppable/ This Kiss This Kiss
Frankie Chestnuts Chakotay (thinking to self): "So am I in some sort of 'out of phase' reality and they can't really see me, or are do they just want me to watch?"
Treksdot Last time on Star Trek Voyeurism...
TS Star Trek: Loveboat

Entries : 143People : 42

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,013 Last updated : 16 May 2010