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Caption Competition

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8 Mar 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
nerd86 Data getting mooned.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Guybrush "I wish I were a real boy!"
Frankie Chestnuts Data contemplates life, the universe and everything else.
Riker: "The answer's 42."
Data: "Commander, you are a bastard."
Frankie Chestnuts Just as Data contemplates life, the universe and everything, he realizes: "Oh crap! I am an Iceman"
daftwager Data works on his humanity through the age old practice of stalking
Jonesy "Someday, my prince will come..."
Frankie Chestnuts Data searches his memory. It's a horrifying thought, buried deep. Hidden. Protected...
Slowly it comes to the surface.
Shatner: "She packed my bag last night... preflight..."
Frankie Chestnuts In the background, Shatner’s “Rocketman” repeats softly.
As the ‘song’ flows relentlessly through his neural network, Data contemplates: ‘If I kill myself, is it suicide or androcide?’
nerd86 It's only a model...
nerd86 That's no moon! *planet explodes*
Will Deker On a night like this you can see tyco city, new berlin, and unfortunately, 'new' new orleans...
Kent "Blue moooon, you saw me standing alone....without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own...."
nerd86 Data: Are we there yet?
Picard: No.
Data: Are we there yet?
Picard: No.
Data: Are we there yet?
Picard: No! No! No! I told you I will tell you when we get to the moon, Data! Now Sit Down!
Frankie Chestnuts Data: "Hello, I am an artificial lifeform. My neural network has an ultimate storage capacity of eight hundred quadrillion bits and a total linear computational speed rated at sixty trillion operations per second."
Enterprise Computer: "...and, I'm a PC."
epclarkson Nothing funny going on here.. move along, move along.
sargon "you know what i think i left the keys up there"
The Geek As this was considered a family show, what we do not see is Data "interfacing" with an off- screen electrical socket.
The Geek (thinking to himself) "I think I enjoy vanilla the most."
The Geek "It is interesting that people try to find meaningful patterns in things that are essentially random. I have noticed that the images they percieve sometimes suggest what they are thinking about at that particular moment. Besides, that constellation is clearly a bunny rabbit."
Frankie Chestnuts ♫ I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me... ♫
Frankie Chestnuts As Data contemplates life, a thought suddenly hits him: "Oh shit! Did I leave the iron on?"
Frankie Chestnuts Data: "As I become more and more alive, I am in awe of the wonders of nature."
Crusher: "Yes Data, the view is spectacular."
Data: "No Doctor. I made a stinky."
Broccili At this particular moment, Data was reconfiguring the warp field parameters, analysing the collected works of Charles Dickens, considering a new food supplement for Spot and calculating the maximum pressure he could safely apply with his lips to Tasha without punching a hole in her lung.
drow "Brain the size of a planet, and they want me to escort the aliens... Life, don't talk to me about life."
Frankie Chestnuts Data: "Hello, I'm an artificial lifeform. My neural network has an ultimate storage capacity of eight hundred quadrillion bits and a total linear computational speed rated at sixty trillion operations per second."
B-4: "...and, I'm a PC."

Entries : 220People : 61

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,700 Last updated : 8 Mar 2010