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Caption Competition

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14 Feb 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Merat Paris: "It's called a 'luau.' You get together around a fire, roast a pig, sing songs, get drunk, maybe get a little rowdy...."
Torres: "Klingons have something like that... it's called 'dinner'."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Merat Not Pictured: Harry, in the corner, annoyed because he and B'Elanna wore the same dress.
kent "Eyes up here Belanna...."
mwhittington Tom: I had to replicate this shirt. I was originally just going to have it holo-projected onto my uniform, but it was taxing the holo-emitters their limits.
Ty G. Tom: You wanna go to the island of Comeoniwannalaya?
B'lanna: No, I'd rather go to Wannahockaloogey.
Bird of Prey Tom: "You are half human, half Klingon? What a coincidence! I am half human, half dork!"
Frankie Chestnuts Janeway (on ship-wide intercom): "It has come to my attention that the PRIVILEGE of "Casual Fridays" is being abused. Unfortunately, because of those few individuals who cannot obey the rules, everyone will lose out. Regulation issue uniforms from now on."
Paris: "What's her problem?!?"
B'Elanna: "Pants, Tom... pants."
PegasusJF When a Klingon woman looks in that direction. It will either result in great joy or excruciating pain, or both.
drow Tom: "Does this shirt make me look fat?"
B'elanna: "I can't say, BECAUSE MY EYES ARE BLEEDING."
drow Tom: "I went to Risa once, and all I got was this stupid shirt."
B'elanna: "I got this dress."
Tom: "I don't get it, why is that place so popular?"
B'elanna: "Unlike you, I didn't say 'all'."
Frankie Chestnuts B'Elanna: Tom, you're really so funny!"
Tom: "I'm funny how? I mean funny-- like I'm a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to f***in' amuse you? How the f*** am I funny?! What the f*** is so funny about me?!"
B'Elanna: "The shirt?"
Foxfyre Paris, his ego exposed
Torres, her laughter stiffled
Mr. President "Prison has changed you, Tom."
Mr. President Tom: "So, do you like the outfit?"
B'Elanna: "Yes, it's lovely. Just one small thing, though - and apparently it is just a small thing..."
Frankie Chestnuts B'Elanna: "I don't care what you read. You HAVE to wear pants."
N'tran DS 12 Casual Friday
Ty G. As punishment for his crimes, Tom Paris was forced to wear... The Shirt of Shame!
drow Tom: "You, Miss Chief Engineer. What is the deal with the clothing replicators?"
B'elanna: "You don't like? But it's so YOU, dahling."
drow Tom: "Would madam like to join me for a little luau in the holodeck?"
B'elanna: "No thanks, I'm going to see The Rock. I hear he's half-naked and juggling torches in there."
Mr. President "Red shirt? Red shirt?! Do you think I'm crazy enough to beam down to an uncharted alien planet wearing a red shirt? No, this is my red and yellow and green and brown and scarlet and black and ocher and peach and ruby and olive and violet and fawn and lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve and cream and crimson and silver and rose and azure and lemon and russet and grey and purple and white and pink and orange and red and yellow and green and brown, scarlet and black and ocher and peach and ruby and olive and violet and fawn and lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve and cream and crimson and silver and rose and azure and lemon and russet and grey and purple and white and pink and orange and blue...shirt."
David Salberg B'elanna: "Well, you did it. You finally managed to find a shirt that's worse than your acting."
drow Tom: "It's my new strategy against the Borg! They're NEVER going to want to assimilate THIS!"
Frankie Chestnuts Tom: "Come on B'Elanna... Let's just go back to into the holodeck."
B"Elanna: "Tom, if you don't change out of that grass skirt, you'll pay. I swear to Kahless, you'll pay."
Frankie Chestnuts Tom: "B'Elanna! B'Elanna!! HAVE YOU SEEN IT?! HAVE YOU SEEN IT?!
B'Elanna: "Seen what?"
mwhittington Tom: I had to replicate this shirt. I was originally just going to have it holo-projected onto my uniform, but it was taxing the holo-emitters to their limits.

Entries : 190People : 59

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,161 Last updated : 14 Feb 2010