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Caption Competition

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10 Jan 2010

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Merat Paris: I'm tellin ya, Harry. The triple lutz may have been nice, but that really wasn't the time for it!

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek "Oh, lighten up, Garret. You should see what happens when Ethan Phillips or Wil Wheaton show up at the convention."
The Geek Paris: "Okay, next time we use frozen water instead of frozen oxygen, right?"
Kim: "I've never seen a skull shatter like that... good thing it was only Neelix."
nerd86 *from the arena down the hall* Crowd: "Jon-a-then, Jon-a-then!"
7: I told you, it's called ROLLER-ball.
8: I'm sorry.
7: I mean, ice skates? Come on!
nerd86 You haven't lived 'til you've played hockey on a comet.
Frankie Chestnuts Paris: "I told you not to tell B'Elanna her ass looked big in that hockey uniform. Man, I've never seen anyone take that many punches."
Harry: "Computer, activate Emergency Medical Hologram."
jg Kim: I can't believe we just got beat a seven year old girl.
Paris: Yeah, but in our defense, her species only live nine years, so it really isn't as bad as it sounds.
Frankie Chestnuts Paris: "I think we should have known that was going to happen when Chakotay began referring to his stick as "his little tomahawk."
Steamrunner92 Budget cuts and material shortages meant producers had to be creative when it came to spacesuits.
Guybrush Careers after typecasting.
Frankie Chestnuts Prior to her integration back into human society, Seven has a rather unnatural relationship with another Borg: "Eight of Twelve".
RedDwarfian Paris: "You know what to do next time?"
Kim: "Try and stab someone with my skate?"
Paris: "Bingo!"
igr56uk Conan must have mistaken you for Jay Leno that time
igr56uk Well I am telling you, lucky for us 6 and 9 were taken by Neelix and Chakotay
Frankie Chestnuts Paris: "Harry, really shouldn't have broken the Captain's nose."
Kim: "But she said I skated like a girl."
Frankie Chestnuts Harry: "I've never seen that much blood in my life."
Paris: "I hope Neelix is alright. I thought Vulcan's were supposed to suppress emotions."
Will Deker 7 and 8 should have seen their defeat to 7 of 9 in Hockey coming...
Captain Redbeard Sorry, Harry. I thought the sign said "Paris figure skating" not "Pair's figure skating". But you have to admit we were a cute couple.
Ktasay Today's Voyager was brought to you by the numbers 7, 8 and the letters OW!
Merat Voyager's every Tom and Harry. Sadly, this team is completely Dick-less.
The Geek Tom: "I think our drinking team has a hockey problem."
Frankie Chestnuts Thankful for the liberal Borg policy of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", Seven and Eight of Nine were able to openly flaunt their relationship.
nerd86 8: Why Torres punch you?
7: I don't know. All I did was ask her if she wanted to play with my stick.
The Geek "It's okay you got your ass kicked, Harry. It's not like anyone watches this show anyway..."

Entries : 122People : 52

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,956 Last updated : 10 Jan 2010