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Caption Competition

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27 Feb 2005

Caption comp image


Name Caption
me,myself and I SCOTTY:"Dr. McCoy, ye cannae change the laws of Physiques!!"

Special Mention

Name Caption
unixrevolution When Nurse Chapel said kirk had a point, he thought it was just a metaphor....
James Scotty: Doctor, you forgot the forhead bumps!
Bones: Mr. Scott, Romulans didn't have those in TOS.
Chapel: -sigh- I see another Enterprise arc.
Commander Pryce Before there was Tuvix there was Spirk
Lt Pyett And tonight Scotty, I'm going to be...Mr. Spock!
Lucky Strike Gee Captain, I know I beat you in's favorite character poll but you don't have to be mad at me!
FL Kirk "Mr Scott. One more grin and you're the next Red Shirt in the torpedo tube."
Steve WD "Mr. Scott, just how much DID you have to drink before you beamed me up"?
DaCaptain Kirk: "This meeting of the Spock Fan Club is now in session."
veladest starfleet uniform: free
fake spock ears: free
the look on your chief engineers face after you tell him this was a transporter malfunction: priceless
Captain Worf Ensign Kim and Captain Archer's experimentation with glowing green things altered the timeline considerably. As a result, Captain Kirk was born half-Romulan.
Silent Bob Scotty told a joke so funny that Kirk couldn't help but prick up his ears...
Dante Scotty: Well, the ears and eyebrows look real enough but the hair is obviously fake.
HJSalberg Och Captain, the casting for Lord of the Rings is next door!
Xela Scotty: Just becouse you have ears like Spock doesn't mean your going to beat him in the popularity polls.
blurb23 Captain Spock Day has gone a little too far...

Entries : 418People : 180

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,618 Last updated : 27 Feb 2005