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Caption Competition

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6 Dec 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Guybrush McCoy: "Are you out of your Vulcan mind? No human can tolerate the radiation that's in there. You're not going in there!"
Spock: "Perhaps you're right. Let's send this guy instead."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts "Sunscreen... Please. More sunscreen!!"
RedDwarfian Daniel Jackson's death from radiation exposure was not pleasant. Physically, or visually.
Frankie Chestnuts "Unguent, I need UNGUENT!
RedDwarfian "You alright?"
"I got a little cooked, but I'm alright."
Frankie Chestnuts "Did someone turn the temperature up on the hot tub?"
RBweb OK that's the last time we go bobbing for french fries!
RBweb For some reason the new Herbal Essences with poison ivy extract was not a top seller.
Frankie Chestnuts "May I please have a glass of water?"
The Geek Director: "Look, we'd love to keep you on board, but you just seem to melt under pressure."
nerd86 What? My whole species looks like this. YOUR the freak on this planet buddy!
The Geek "Umm... Bless you?!?"
The Geek "Dermal regenerator. DERMAL REGENERATOR!!!"
RedDwarfian "Boy, all this constant exposure to radiation is making me thirsty."
RedDwarfian "Am I missing an eyebrow?"
Frankie Chestnuts "Captain, are you really sure the radiation shielding is sufficient?"
nerd86 Director: Wow, the makeup people are getting better.
Actor: I haven't been to makeup yet.
Director: Gah!
Cyrus Ramsay Trip, when you've got a minute, could you take a look at my sonic shower please?
RedDwarfian Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with ketchup.
drow "What? Do I have something on my face?"
Frankie Chestnuts "You know on Mythbusters when they say 'Don't try this at home'?
...Believe them!"
Frankie Chestnuts EMH: "Please state the nature of the...JESUS H. TAP-DANCING CHRIST!!!
nerd86 Remember when your mother told you "it'll never heal if you don't stop picking at it", well...
nerd86 I told him not to look at the Ark of the Covenant but noooo, 'that's just a myth' he says...

Entries : 192People : 50

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,572 Last updated : 6 Dec 2009