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Caption Competition

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11 Oct 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
nerd86 Either he's confused or constipated. Or both.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Lahani Jesus H. Christ in a chicken basket! Shatner's singing polka?!
nerd86 I get the same way when I think about how Paris Hilton got famous.
Frankie Chestnuts "You mean... He's BALD??!!
ktasay My god, it's full of Stars!
The Geek "That's it? That was 'These Are The Voyages'?!? What the hell did Riker and Troi have to do with anything?!?!?"
The Geek "An inter-racial kiss on a 1960's sci-fi program? Preposterous!"
ncc1701bulldog "My God, is that what we look like in HD?"
ncc1701bulldog "Now you know why we call him Ensign 'Slack Jaw'..."
nerd86 I know that look. He just asked Abbot who's on first.
nerd86 His look appears to be a mixture of anger and confusion. He must be watching the Star Wars Prequels.
Cyrus Ramsay That's the NX-01? How come it looks more advanced than our ship?
Mr. President "Computer, access the DITL website and display this week's caption competition."
"My's me??!!"
Brian G The general reaction to anyone watching the last seasons of Lost.
Frankie Chestnuts "You mean there will be like a dozen movies and four more series with 700 total episodes over the next 40 years, and I will be on screen a total of 35 seconds!!??!!
Captain 8472 A picture is worth a thousand words. A caption is worth a few lines.
nerd86 Wait, you mean in the 21st century... two hundred years ago... we had a black president!? How did no one mention this! Nobody tells me anything!
Mr. President KIRK: (off-screen) "I'm afraid the Zeta-Regullarans have demanded a blood sacrifice for our intrusion into their star system. We've had lengthy discussions and, well, I'm afraid it's you, Ensign Ricky."
ENSIGN: "..."
drow "Honestly, Sir. I have no freakin' idea how many lights there are."
TS The results of a crewman trying to figure out the U.S. deficit in the year 2266...
Guybrush "To explore strange new...what the $%&@ is that!?"
nerd86 Self-referential captions... IN SPAAACE!!
The Geek In the future, "wtf?" moments are still "wtf?" moments.
The Geek Accidentally caught a glimpse of the Captain's Log.
The Geek You think he looks confused? Imagine how the Tribble he just sat on must feel...

Entries : 177People : 70

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,371 Last updated : 11 Oct 2009