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Caption Competition

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4 Oct 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
The Geek Alien: "I had no idea T'Pol could do that!"
Archer: "That's nothing. You should see her squeeze herself into her uniform."

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek Alien: "Look at them!"
Archer: "What?"
Alien: "I think they are writing humorus captions at our expense!"
Archer: "They are called 'nerds,' sir."
Alien: "Ah, yes. On our planet, nerds are revered as gods!"
OlderThanTOS Alien: Are you getting a boner too?
Mr. President TUCKER (off-screen): "Oh...I thought when said you met some aliens with two glands in front their chin...actually, you know what, forget what I thought."
Mr. President ALIEN: "Djhdghagdah hah jgf aghdlw ohfosydv jif shf pdif svh iopw ipw!!"
ARCHER: "He wants to know if he can have fries with that and supersize the coke."
Ktasay Oo-mox has a whole new meaning with lobes like Zjod's.
Frankie Chestnuts Archer: Trip, please apologize to the Ambassador. He can't help it that his face looks like a toilet seat.
The Geek As Archer and the alien contemplate whatever it is they are looking at, Reed uses the time to contemplate Archer's outrageous dandruff problem.
The Geek Archer: "Sir?"
Alien: "Yes, Captain?"
Archer: "Let go of my thigh."
Alien: "Yes, Captain."
The Geek And just think! When this is released on Blu-Ray, this scene will be even more blue!
Frankie Chestnuts Alien: "If I had a set of cannons like that on my ship, I'd control the entire quadrant!"
Archer: I'm sure Commander T'Pol appreciates it, but I suggest keeping your comments to yourself."
ketteringdave What do you get when you cross a Klingon and an Andorian? Not sure, but I bet it beats Archer in a fight.
Frankie Chestnuts Archer: "Yes. I agree with you. There ARE four lights."
Frankie Chestnuts This week on: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Aliens"...
TS "You couldn't think up of a better alien than one with a butt on his forhead?!"
Mr. President ARCHER: "Lieutenant, how many times - don't call him Butthead."
ALIEN: "Yes, I'm not Butthead, I'm Beavis. He's Butthead."
ARCHER: "Exactly. Wait, what...?"
drow "Mr. Ambassador, what's that on your chin?"
"Not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place, Captain."
"And why does your forehead look the same?"
"..." *cough*
"Captain to T'pol, you'll want to get down here."
Ty.G Scott (to self) *sigh* now I understand why Shatner hated conventions.
Mr. President REED: *thinking* "One phaser hit to the back of his head, that's all it would take. One phaser hit and the ship is mine..."
Frankie Chestnuts Alien: "If I had a set of cannons like that on my ship, I'd control the entire quadrant!"
Archer: "I'm sure Commander T'Pol appreciates it, but I suggest keeping your comments to yourself."
Frankie Chestnuts Archer (to self): "Don't look at his forehead.
Don't look at his forehead.
It DOESN'T look like an ass.
Don't look at his forehead."
Silent Bob Archer (thinking): "Wow, she's gorgeous."
Alien (thinking): "Wow, she's gorgeous."
Reed (thinking): "Wow, he's gorgeous."
The Geek Archer gets his ass kicked in 3... 2...
nerd86 Man, in the 23rd century, it is going to get so much harder to tell who is in town for ComicCon and who is just a regular tourist.
Mr. President "Not everybody keeps their genitals in the same place, captain..."

Entries : 183People : 65

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,634 Last updated : 4 Oct 2009