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Caption Competition

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31 May 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
epclarkson After being shown the Vulcan Nerve Pinch, Uhura demonstrates how she immobilizes a male; the Swahili Neck Nibble

Special Mention

Name Caption
MetalHead Spock was deeply disturbed when he realized the trouser lump wasn't actually his...
Mark "Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight? I ask that of all my officers."
UnknownCaptioneer It was then that Kirk (off-screen) disgustingly found out that Spock had one thing harder than the Kobayashi Maru.
Bird of Prey Spock: "My planet is gone! I feel - like Arthur Dent..."
UnknownCaptioneer It's okay, I'll stand in front of the Lens Flare for you.
Chromedome Spock conducts experimental trials to determine if Lynx bodyspray really does attract women
epclarkson Spock: There are TWO BREASTS!!
Tobias In order to understand human nature, humor in particular, Spock took Kirk's dare that he could unhook Uhura's bra without her noticing.
HungryHungarian 'It's all right, it's just a movie. Don't be so upset.'
'But... they blew up Vulcan and placed Delta Vega in that solar system! I can't cope with that!'
ktasay "Hold the embrace until I remember what my next line is!"
Frankie Chestnuts "Uhura is busy... I am monitoring"
Marcellus I like this 'ship! It's exciting!
Mr. President "300m, 700m, can I cope not knowing how long the ship is?!"
The Steve Spock: Fascinating, I didn't realise your silicon content was so high.'re so dumped.
Mr. President "Six billion of my kind...dead. My mother...gone. But yeah, sure, I've got time for a quickie in the turbolift."
Lazar Spock practices the Vulcan nerve hickey.
Guybrush Once you have had black, it is highly illogical to go back
Nutso Yes. That is a torpedo in my pocket.
Pinky & the Brain Love in an elevator
Living it up when the going down
Bird of Prey Spock: "I saw you kissing Jim Kirk!"
Uhura: "Sadistic mind-controlling pseudo-Greeks forced us to do it! Honest!"
Jonesy "The old movie was right. Earth girls really ARE easy!"
Frankie Chestnuts Awkward Hugs... IN SPAACE
theoneandonlyarrow Mmmm... you need someone to talk to, do you? I'm all ears.
Tobias McCoy: (singing) Dear Spock, I understand,
You are a Vulcan man.
You have just gone without,
For seven years about.
Nyota, please find a way
To take his rage away.
He will give you the sign,
Just reach for his behind.
Hormones are raging,
synapses blazing,
Will Deker Spock: Now this is what I call a "win-win scenario"...
Will Deker Spock: I wish the green one was here...Space threesome!

Entries : 282People : 90

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,797 Last updated : 31 May 2009