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Caption Competition

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24 May 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
McFortner Cop: Holy Crap, kid, that car was a classic!
Young Kirk: So was Star Trek, but you don't see me crying....

Special Mention

Name Caption
Praeothmin Cop:"Kirk, I surrender to your awesomness... Wait a minute, you're not William Shatner!"
SlideMan Cop: What is your name?
Kirk: My name is James Tiberius Kirk
Cop: What is your quest?
Kirk: I seek out new life and new civilizations.
Cop: What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Kirk: What do you mean? African or European?
Kevsha Young man, there's no need to feel down.
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
its fun to stay at the WHYYYY EMMMM SEEE....
oh, you mean were filming right now? Sorry Mr. Abrams....
....*wispers* Macho, macho man, I've got to be, a macho man......
lexxonnet Even on future motorbikes, any serious rider would have his own saddle.
Drakey "Citizen. I am required by law to begin every statement with that word. Citizen, if I don't, my helmet shocks me. That hurts a loAAAARGH!"
UnknownCaptioneer "Shatner sent me. He wants a word with you, twerp."
Sokratis Star Trek XII: Killer Robot Mimes From the Future
Lucky Strike Hold on, I'm getting a message from Big Giant Head...
C.J.Jackal Yeah, the helmet's Nokia, the bike's Nokia... the product placement is awful, but at least they all use the same charger.
C.J.Jackal Oh no! Disgruntled continuity-obsessed fans, and they're coming this way!
C.J.Jackal Hey, kid, do you know where Delta Vega is? 'Cos know one around here has a clue.
jg Cop: Citizen, put the doughnut down gently and nobody will get hurt.
jg Cop: I once caught a fish this big.
Lazar Cop: THIS! IS! IOWA!
Bodhi Mimes of the future can afford some really hot rides!
nerd86 C-3P0's cousin C0P-3.
Sovereign The cast of Star Trek XI were struck by headaches as Gene Roddenberry turned in his grave.
Exodore Guy to himself: "Do there pants make my butt look fat?????"
Mr. President "No, I'm from outer space, I only work in Iowa."
Mr. President "Hey, is that Vulcan getting destroyed over there? I mean, I know it's pretty far away, but..."
RedDwarfian "I can make my bike float with my mind! Watch! Heeeeeuuurgh!"
UnknownCaptioneer Check out these muscles!
UnknownCaptioneer Robocop, fallen on hard times, was forced to cameo in Abrams' Star Trek movie. Then he looked at the lens flare, ruining his retinal sensors forever.
David Salberg In this alternate reality, the Chicken Dance became a universal greeting.
UnknownCaptioneer The future's so bright I have to wear shades. And I still can see the lens flare.
Pudabudigada YAY!!! Just one more day of ridicule and then I get my dignity back!

Entries : 395People : 135

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,822 Last updated : 24 May 2009