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Caption Competition

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3 May 2009

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Name Caption
Scion Ninja Some people have a chip on ther shoulder... Major Kira's got the whole quarry

Special Mention

Name Caption
AJ Pulling a sword from the stone is one thing, but this....
Tsukiyumi Clearly it isn't "ridged for her pleasure".
Bodhi To survive in the Bajoran militia, you had to be hard.
jg Kira: I love you to Odo, but you have to give me some space. You're smothering me.
Drakey The Gorn weapon of choice!
Giant fake rocks!
Guybrush "At least I can be my own tombstone."
Derina Ramsey Caught between a rock and a hard place now had a personal feeling to it.
Guybrush "What a cruel thing to say, you're heart must be made of stone! Oh...sorry."
drow Kira: "Do these rocks make me look fat?"
Praeothmin Whoever said Silicon was safe never had self-replicating implants...
Captain 8472 24th Century Bondage porn.
Lucky Strike Never play hide-and-seek with a Changeling...
Blaston Phools "Odo, when you said you'll give me a "pearl necklace" i didnt think you ment it literally!"
drow Kira: "Worst. Spa. Ever."
Dave I win! Rock beats shape-shifter.... I mean, scissors!
tlbs101 I'll Rock your World once we're married, Odo!
Deggsy Stoned again...
Lamont "When I said I wanted a big rock I meant on my finger."
Nutso The producers go to unnecessary lengths to cover up Nana's pregnancy.
David Salberg New! The Horta necklace!
Frankie Chestnuts Major Kira gets her rocks off.
Lazar Odo watched in disappointment as Kira discovered the truth of the old saying: Once you go sedimentary, everything else just seems rudimentary.
Tobias Kira: Say what you want, but I'm still better off than Lt. Yar!
The Geek Strangely, turtleneck sweater technology takes several steps backward in the future...
DBB Kira with an Excaliban costume or an Excaliban with a Kira mask?
Mr. President If you think Swine Flu looks bad, take a look at what Bajoran Flu will do to you.

Entries : 244People : 81

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,832 Last updated : 3 May 2009