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Caption Competition

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30 Mar 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
jg Weyoun: Come on, Dukat. Say it.
Dukat: I don't see a reason for me to say it.
Weyoun: humor me and just say it.
Dukat: Alright, I'll say it.
Dukat: Hello, I'm a PC.
Weyoun: and I'm a Mac.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Nutso Weyoun: ...hahaha, then Damar will kill Ziyal and you'll have a nervous breakdown at the site of it. Then you'll regain your senses and blame Sisko for killing Ziyal...
Dukat: Okay, no more kanar for you.
Frankie Chestnuts Weyoun: "Say Gul... Have you ever seen a grown clone naked?"
jg Dukat: Weyoun, do you remember what happened to the last Weyoun clone.
Weyoun: Yeah, you snapped his neck right after he put his hand on your should...oh crap
Pudabudigada Weyoun, please stop that, with that hand and that expression your just asking for a caption containing the words 'tribble' 'underwear' and 'Sulu'.
The Geek "Gee, Dukat, what are we going to do this episode?"
"The same thing we do every episode, Weyoun: TRY TO TAKE OVER THE QUADRANT!"
(they're Weyoun, they're Weyoun and the Gul, Gul, Gul, Gul, Gul!)
Jack Like Jack, Dukat's got the proverbial "Monkey on his back".
BC1 Dukt: i dont know what i hate worse...this fan fiction or the Jem'Hadar doing the "Conga" behind me....
Nutso "For the last time Weyoun, the two of us singing 'Ebony and Ivory' makes no sense."
Blaston Phools Marc Alaimo: *sigh* Why didnt i get that part on Law & Order..
Rylan Sato Don't you just love playing multiple characters, Dukat?
Frankie Chestnuts Dukat: "Isn't it rich? -- Are we a pair?"
Weyoun: "Me here at last on the ground,
You in mid-air."
Both: ♫"Send in the Clones."♫
DBB Weyoun: What is that wreched smell?
Dukat: Your precious Founder has somehow passed gas.
Weyoun: ...what is that intoxicatingly beautiful aroma?
Tobias Little Known Fact: When the Dominion took over DS9, Dukat and Weyoun found a copy of Brokeback Mountain in the Federation database.
Foxbat "I HATE High School Reunions..."
Frankie Chestnuts "Weyoun and The Man" was another unsuccessful Paramount spinoff.
Mr. President "No, no, the rules are quite clear: I throw the ring around the goldfish bowl, I get to keep the Cardassian."
Frankie Chestnuts "Don't ask, don't tell" was the motto of the Dominion/Cardassians alliance.
drow A scene from "Weekend at Dukat's"
Niall Johnson You're F**king nicked m'lad!
jg Weyoun: I don't share your concerns on he matter. There is no way the Federation can hack into our databases. I personally oversaw the installation of the latest version of Windows Vista.
Tiberius Dukat refuses to do something caption-worthy. He just glares.
Blaston Phools Dukat: *sigh* Why couldnt i have been issued a Parrot like the other Guls..
Cailus The smile that killed a thousand Weyouns.
Blaston Phools Weyoun: Ah! hahaa! hahaha ha haa!!*sigh*.... I dont get it.
Blaston Phools Dukat: Yes, just you keep laughing while my Taser charges..
horrible spelling dukat became uncofortable when wayoon sugested they form their own great link
Mr. President Rehearsals for DS9's amateur production of Romeo and Juliet got off to a less than promising start.
Pwn Believable Dukat: Is your jaw hurting after being stuck in that position for more than a week.
Weyoun:(Hardly being able to speak) Halp.
Dukat: At least your left hand enjoys this scene

Entries : 291People : 94

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,558 Last updated : 30 Mar 2009