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Caption Competition

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22 Mar 2009

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Name Caption
Tsukiyumi "Dear god, Worf! You're sitting in the Oatmealian ambassador!"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Captain 8472 Worf: I'm getting that sinking feeling.
Drakey The gay Klingon, Fab'uhless, finally convinced Worf to try the mudbath, and dammit, he was right. It really did feel better than bathing in the blood of your fallen enemies.
epclarkson "Only a few inches deep, he says. Should only get your boots dirty, he says. Grrrrr."
jg It was bound to happen. Riker's ego finally exploded, filling the room to neck level with smugness.
Scarlet "Are there...SUPPOSED to be Regellian eels in here?"
MarkB No-one was brave enough to tell Worf that he was supposed to cross The River Of Blood, not mud.
Tobias Reason #8,132,540,697 why Worf hates Ferangi: a mandatory one hour soak in the Grand Nagus' ear wax pools before treaty signing.
SlideMan Geordi: Say it!
Worf: I will not.
Geordi: Say it or you're not getting out of there!
Worf: Oh all right. "Hello. My name is Harry Mudd."
Tobias I swear on the grave of Kahless himself that Chief O'Brien will pay for running off with my pants...
Tsukiyumi "When Jadzia said she wanted to 'get dirty', this was not what I had in mind!"
HungryHungarian How did I wake up here? It must have been a long night ...uuugh, I think I have to give up the blood wine.
Mr. President Early experiments into personal cloaking devices met with limited success for the Klingon Empire.
Mr. President "Hey, your patio ornament looks like my security officer."
HungryHungarian At least they won't see my pink lacy underwear while I'm here.
HungryHungarian Dammit! The concrete has set!
Acid Worf Enjoys the Trill Sperm Baths of Nigal IV
HungryHungarian Few people know that Cleopatra wasn't so beautiful during her milk baths.
Frankie Chestnuts Warf: "You're just supposed to SIT here?" To Self: "At least they can't see my hands."
Ian Kennedy "Well it started with 'dhioria and vomitting'..."
Bishop Starfleet Academy hazing gone too far...
The Geek The gross part? The water was actually clear before Worf got in...
Mr. President "When I said, 'I've had it up to here', this wasn't exactly what I meant."

Entries : 266People : 95

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,986 Last updated : 22 Mar 2009