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Caption Competition

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18 Jan 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Bryan Moore "Enemy Mime"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Tyrridon Elim Garak: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier...Mime
Lazar Garak dances the Garakarena.
Bodhi "What? No, I'm a Palm Pilot, Mac and PC are over there."
epclarkson Dr. Bashir: "This always happens when Garak has had too much kanar... he thinks he's Al Joleson."
The Geek Suddenly, Odo pulls his phaser and hits Garak with the little- known and even lesser- used "Razzle Dazzle!" setting.
Admiral Ed SSSSSSSSSSMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!
Blaston Phools "Look ma' no hands!"
Jesse Garak: Lethal. Cunning. Fabulous.
Foxbat "According to the computer, pants can be created in 6 seconds. Now, watch out! Here comes the Genesis Replicator! We'll do it for you in .006 seconds!"
Foxbat "And then it happened... Ensign Mayweather had a line!"
Nutso As you can see, I've made a bra for men. I call it, "The Bro."
McFortner (Singing) It's SPRINGTIME for Garak and Cardassia!...
Jonesy "Heeeeeeerrrrrre's..............Johnny!
MaxxPower "Garak! The Musical" was a big hit all across the Alpha Quadrant
HungryHungarian ... and the bad thing is that I only discovered that she had an Adam's apple after she got dressed again!
Mr. President The sign language for "and then the wormhole opened" was surprisingly simple to understand.
Bryan Moore "We call it the Aristocrats!"
Space Truckin Garak uses his "Jazz Hands".
HungryHungarian Help me, doctor, I'm trapped in a glass box!
Bryan Moore "And so the Chinaman pops out of the storage closet and yells 'SUPPLIES!'"
Kostmayer And it was this big.
jg Garak: my pants...looking for nuts...please be very still...don't want to make it angry...
Graeme A Carter Garaks recreation of Fatboy Slim's "Weapon of Choice" video was all the more eerie for his resemblance to Christopher Walken.
Captain 8472 Incoming message form the Big Giant Head...

Entries : 336People : 109

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,988 Last updated : 18 Jan 2009