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Caption Competition

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28 Dec 2008

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Mikey Spock privately rejoices at how enthusiastically his crewmated have accepted the philosophy of "infinite diversity in infinite combinations."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Mr. President ANSWER MACHINE: "Hello, you have reached the Federation Starship Enterprise. We are sorry there is no one available to take your call at the moment but if you'd like to leave a message, please do so after the beep."
Mr. President While Star Trek had made history with the first interracial kiss on network television, it was actually the second kiss that was by the far the most interesting.
Mr. President For Vulcans it happens every seven years. For humans all it takes is a wink and a smile.
BC1 Spock: Fan fiction ... how ... illogical
Mikey Spock, into intercom: "I beg your pardon, captain, but I actually can't get out of your chair right now..."
Jack Spock: Computer, log the mistletoe experiment as a complete success.
Dave1982 Spock's ears pricked up, trying to identify the sound behind him....
SenatorVreenak "Mind... control... powers working...!"
McFortner Lt. Uhura is about to go where no man has gone before....
HungryHungarian In fact, there are two same-sex couples on the picture. Don't ask where Sulu is...
HungryHungarian Somehow, Spock felt this was only the beginning. At the moment, he was having a terrible vision of the future. About a Vulcan and an Asian woman in their underwear, rubbing each other down with oil in a blue room.
drow "Uhura is busy. I am monitoring."
HungryHungarian Something tells me it's sweeps week again.
drow Spock hadn't really understood the captain's phrase, 'A Piece of the Action,' until that moment.
Bodhi The Vulcans call it Sha Ka Ree...
Sulu You can tell a show's ratings are flagging when its crew start coming down with diseases like "Lesbian Make-Out Syndrome".
Sulu Is there any sexual taboo of the 60s that Star Trek didn't break?!
Sulu ...on to lighter news, the Kansas State Board of Education today ruled that the TV series Star Trek, due to its depictions of friendly communism, inter-racial and homosexual relations, does not exist.
Mr. President Captain Kirk would later come to regret swapping bridge duty shifts with Mr. Spock.
Frankie Chestnuts Majel Barrett: "OK Shatner. I'll see your interracial kiss and raise you a lesbian encounter."
The Geek And it was at that moment when Spock realized exactly "What Little Girls Are Made Of".
Mr. President Humans and Vulcans have very different ways of celebrating the new year. For Vulcans, it is a time of sober contemplation; of reflecting on the past year and considering the possibilities for the future. For Humans, it is a time for grabbing the nearest person you can find and snogging their face off.
Derek The Vulcan facepalm
Blaston Phools The L Word.. IN SPACE!!

Entries : 229People : 80

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,034 Last updated : 28 Dec 2008