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Caption Competition

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7 Dec 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
drow " I called him a 'Merry Man', and he HIT me!"

Special Mention

Name Caption
OlderThanTOS "Rom! The Vulcan Love Slave IV program still needs some adjustment."
Sondak Some things are just common sense: Never call Pakled tech support. Never go to a Romulan barber. And never, ever hire a Klingon chiropractor.
Bodhi On the first day after Christmas my true love gave to me,
A rather violent tracheotomy...
Sondak A Klingon, a Nausicaan and a chiropractor walk into a bar...
N'tran DS 12 Spock's Brain sequel: Quark's Neck.
Guybrush "The Naussican said "Give me your wallet" and I said "Go ahead, take it from me.""
Schizo-Hal "National Health Care," you say?
Frankie Chestnuts "I guess I deserve it. They did say the first rule of Fight Club was not to talk about Fight Club."
Sondak Necks time on Star Trek; Deep Space 9...
drow Behold, Ferengi-stein's Monster!
drow Quark sensed it immediately -- there was another immortal on DS9. He donned his traditional Ferengi neck armor and uttered an oath to take the head of his opponent, Duncan MacLeod. Drawing his durasteel katana, he set out into the promenade...
Capt. Jethro Try as he may Quark never could master the Cardassian neck trick.
nerd86 Ferengi I-pod... with convenient necklace carrying case.
nerd86 Behold... Tom Cruise without his makeup.
Tsukiyumi " See! This proves it! I'm not spineless after all!"
Merat The Borg were much more primitive in their earlier incarnations
Foxbat Quark invests in the lucrative 'Medical Ship Chaser' branch of the legal profession.
Frankie Chestnuts "Did anyone catch the number of that bus?"
Mr. President Quark from Deep Space Nine says, drive safely this Christmas.

Entries : 244People : 86

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,710 Last updated : 7 Dec 2008